360 MAGAZINE, Nicole Avena, PhD

Top Five Tips For Avoiding Colds and Flu This Season

1. Take It Easy. Stress is a sure way to compromise your immune system. Be sure to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and making time to rest and restore in order to keep your stress levels at a minimum.

2. Take Vitamin C. Supplementing your diet with Vitamin C is a great way to ward of colds and flu. We don’t typically get enough Vitamin C from our diets alone, so a supplement is often the best way to go. Vitafusion makes a Vitamin C gummy that is easy to take, and a great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin C.

3. Avoid Closed Places. Cold and flu viruses spread via the air, so try to avoid spending too much time indoors where there may be people who are sick (like shopping malls). Try to get outdoors as much as you can, as the brisk air can be great for your health and also very refreshing.

4. Wash Your Hands, and Face. Washing your hands is a no-brainer, but don’t forget to wash your face! We often touch our face with our hands, and germs can be sitting there just waiting to invade. 

5. Use Sanitizer. Keeping your work and home areas clean of viruses is important. Use sanitizer to wipe down the places where germs might be lingering, such as door knobs, bathrooms, faucet handles, and keyboards.

Nicole Avena, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She is the author of several books, including Why Diets Fail, and What to Eat When You’re Pregnant. 

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