The Roots announce the 12th installment of their series, The Roots Jam Presents Solo Sessions. The 12th episode includes performances by Adeline and Samora Pinderhughes. Adeline is a French-Caribbean singer, bassist and prolific songwriter who produces her own music with co-producer Morgan Wiley. Samora Pinderhughes is a composer, pianist and vocalist known for his use of music to examine sociopolitical issues and fight for change.
The episode is hosted by Captain Kirk (of the legendary Roots crew) and will be available on Monday, August 10th at 6pm EST. Now on their 12th episode, the Roots Jam Presents Solo Sessions is an artist performance series highlighting emerging talent. In the spirit of the legendary Roots Jam Sessions, the band is opening up its platform to feature one song performances from music artists that are handpicked and curated by the band. Stay tuned for the newest installment for new music and new artists to enjoy from the safety of our homes.