YouTube Originals premiered the first episode of “Copy That!,” the new five-part competition comedy series from Sony Pictures Television and executive producer Charles Wachter, where four-star YouTube creators each with a different, incredible skill, step out of their comfort zones and attempt to copy their fellow creators’ area of expertise in hysterical ways! Episodes debut […]
Posts tagged with "Youtube creator"
FaZe Hosts #1 Chicken
YouTube Originals announced “#1 Chicken,” an all-new 6-episode competition series hosted by Brian “FaZe Rug” Awadis(19.9M subscribers), superstar YouTube creator, vlogger, and co-owner of FaZe Clan known for his popular gaming and lifestyle content. The premiere episode of “#1 Chicken” will debut on Wednesday, September 22 at 12pm PT / 3pm ETon FaZe Rug’s YouTube Channel. With FaZe Rug at […]
Champagne, the brand-new track from singer, actress, and YouTube creator Lia Marie Johnson, is out today and available via all digital service providers. The yearning, trip-hop-laced break-up ballad was co-written by Johnson and producer Nick Ruth, Brittany Amaradio, and Koko LaRoo. LISTEN HERE. Named one of V Magazine’s Artists To Watch, Johnson has released two previous tracks, DNA, a deeply personal song […]
“Champagne,” the brand-new track from singer, actress, and YouTube creator Lia Marie Johnson, is out today and available via all digital service providers. The yearning, trip-hop-laced break-up ballad was co-written by Johnson and producer Nick Ruth, Brittany Amaradio, and Koko LaRoo. LISTEN HERE. Named one of V Magazine’s Artists To Watch, Johnson has released two […]