8 Tips to Declutter Your Home and Life for the Best Autumn Yet

8 Tips to Declutter Your Home and Life for the Best Autumn Yet
From the creators of these global stories, The Breast Forces Study, The Backpack Study and Text Neck Study. A New Study publishing in Surgical Technology International correlates belly fat per waist circumference and defines spine forces, by the pound. In the America, more than two-thirds of adults (220 million-plus) are overweight or obese, and childhood […]
By Andi Simon, Ph.D. What does it say about our culture when moms and their children are facing unbearable pain and trauma during the pandemic? This crisis has amplified the way women in the U.S. are undervalued, or not valued at all. While it is widely known that America lags far behind all other […]
As Valentine’s Day comes to a close, there seems to be a lull in the season of gift-giving. Christmas and Valentine’s Day are two holidays focused on spreading love and the next day focused on sharing love is Mother’s Day. Although it’s still weeks away, it’s never too soon to start planning for the important […]
Hearst today announced that Donna Kalajian Lagani will join the Hearst Foundations after nearly 25 years at Hearst Magazines. Kalajian Lagani had been senior vice president and group publishing director of Hearst Magazines Young Women’s Group, encompassing Cosmopolitan, Seventeen and Women’s Health. The announcement was made by Hearst President and CEO Steven R. Swartz. Kalajian Lagani assumes her new role February […]
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, women are three times more likely to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome than men, making even the most basic repetitive tasks like typing, using a computer, chopping vegetables and gardening painful. The associated pain or numbness in the hands and wrist that can radiate up […]
Atiye was born on the 22nd of November in Bremen. She was raised in West Germany by a Turkish father and Dutch mother and spent much of her childhood in Germany, the Netherlands, the United States and Turkey. The second album by Atiye was self-titled and released under Sony Music. It spawned a number of […]