Posts tagged with "weight loss"

Tips to Control Food Cravings When Stuck at Home

We’ve all felt hunger. It’s the sensation we get when we want to eat food. It’s a physiological mechanism designed to tell us when we need to have sustenance. However, in the Western world, food is in plentiful supply all around us and our interpretation of hunger has become confused. Broadly speaking, hunger can be […]

New York Town Goes On Diet to Combat COVID-19

NEW YORK OFFICIALS ANNOUNCE FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND TOWNWIDE DIET TO STOP WEIGHT GAIN DURING QUARANTINE A New York Town has become the nation’s first to be put on a diet to combat COVID-19, according to Obesity Specialist and Director of Bariatric Surgery at Northwell Health-Huntington, Dr. David Buchin, Suffolk County Legislature Health Committee Chairman Dr. William Spencer, […]

Don’t Let Your Body Be A Bummer This Summer: 5 Tips To Detoxify

As summer winds down, some people who ditched their New Year’s weight-loss resolutions may re-dedicate themselves to looking good. Even more important, though, is what we put in our bodies. What we eat and drink not only impacts how we look, but how we feel. And to properly set the tone for the inner body and good […]

Can Stress Help Your Workout?

By Eddie O’Connor, Ph.D., CMPC You don’t need this article to tell you the benefits of exercise on your stress levels (but I will reinforce them anyway). Physical activity increases endorphin production in the body. Those feel-good pain-relieving hormones. And it’s good for your brain. Physical activity increases blood flow, which increases our cognitive capacity […]

Four Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Although it can be hard to target fat in order to burn it off your body, it is essential to your health to get rid of belly fat. This fat, also known as visceral fat, accumulates inside the body around vital organs. Fortunately, several ways to reduce belly fat exist, including those below. Learn to […]

3 Transformation Tips From Gold’s Gym Fitness Influencer

1 Set Micro Goals: Break your large goals into smaller steps. If you’d ultimately like to lose 100 pounds, start 10. If you’d like to cut out sugar, cut it out at a few meals first. If you’d like to make it in the gym 5/6 days a week over the next year, focus on […]

Doctor Tries Fasting Trend

Real Doctor Tries the Intermittent Fasting Trend and Here’s What Happened There’s crash dieting, and then there’s intermittent fasting. Crash diets aren’t sustainable and rarely factor in healthy food options. Intermittent fasting on the other hand is gaining attention because people are seeing weight come off, and therefore stay with it. It’s being touted […]


Made From Scratch, Fuse’s newest original digital series, gives viewers a taste of what music’s hottest artists are like when they step outside of the studio and into the kitchen. The series premiered on TODAY on the Fuse YouTube channel. In the premiere episode, rapper Young M.A invites Fuse into her home as she and her grandmother, G Mac, […]