Posts tagged with "wealth"

Rolls-Royce received record numbers via 360 MAGAZINE.


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars confirmed its investment of more than $370 million (£300 million) to expand its sole manufacturing facility at Goodwood in England.


New Dolce&Gabbana high-rise arrives in Miami by 2027.

Cryptocurrency illustration by Heather Skovlund for use by 360 Magazine

The Richest Under 30: Sam Bankman-Fried

29-year-old Sam Bankman-Fried has made his mark in the world of crypto, rising to prosperity in such a short period of time as comparable to that of Austin Russell’s Luminar. But how exactly did he do it? Sam Bankman-Friend is the son of two Stanford Law School professors who graduated with a degree in physics […]

Tech illustration by Sara Davidson for 360 Magazine

Tech Industry Billionaires

70% of the Top 10 Billionaires Generated Their Wealth from the Tech Industry. Data researched by Trading platforms UK indicates that 70% of the top ten richest people amassed their wealth from the technology industry as of March 1, 2021. The top ten wealthiest individuals control a fortune of $1.14 trillion in total, with tech players accounting […]

360 football illustration for sports articles


In midst of a pandemic that devastated society, including sports, the total wealth of 64 billionaire sports barons shot up by $98.5 billion, or over 30 percent. Taxpayer subsidies for stadiums of 26 billionaire team owners have totaled $9 billion since 1990, with most in last decade. We won’t know the winner of this year’s […]

Money illustration for 360 Magazine

Top Five Tech Billionaires Worth More Than 80 Poorest Countries Combined

The COVID-19 has played a significant role in wealth redistribution, with tech companies and their founders emerging as the biggest winners. While aviation, real estate, and hospitality industries have been pushed to the bottom of the global rich list, the tech industry billionaires have witnessed the largest wealth gains in the last year. According to […]

Rolls-Royce Cullinan article illustration by Kaelen Felix for 360 MAGAZINE

Rolls-Royce Cullinan

Vaughn Lowery × Hannah DiPilato Photos by Jeff Langlois Illustration by Kaelen Felix Just after winning the 2020 NBA Championship, 360 Magazine got the chance to pilot the new Rolls-Royce Cullinan in a glamorous royal violet. This new edition takes the prize for being one of the most deluxe SUVs on the market, defining the […]