Posada Ayana, an idyllic 17-room hotel in the vibrant Uruguayan town of Jose Ignacio, announces the unveiling of James Turrell’s first freestanding Skyspace in South America (titled Ta Khut) on its property grounds on November 20, 2021. Located steps from the famous Mansa beach, the hotel briefly opened to local residents in 2020 and will […]
Posts tagged with "Uruguay"
Float your worries away. These are places where travelers can escape from the bustle of the modern world and reconnect with nature through one of the four elements—water. Bspoke features the best hotels in stunning destinations offering their guests wilderness swimming experience—the perfect way to unwind while surrounded by the breathtaking beauty. Los Angeles, USA Los Angeles has […]
Best Places to Live × Work
The Best Places to Live and Work Abroad in 2021—InternationalLiving.com While just about every country is willing to provide a tourist visa that lets visitors hang around for a few months, most will not grant permission to live and work within their borders without a job offer from a local employer. Some offer long-term residence […]
VIDAS: Deep in Mexico and Spain
ADVENTURE AWAITS IN THIS NEW COMING-OF-AGE TRAVEL MEMOIR “VIDAS: Deep in Mexico and Spain” A Tribute to The Glorious Diversity of Our Worlds Shortly after the American ministers of hate started demonizing the people of Mexico, New York Times Best-Selling Author Edward Stanton began writing about his own wide experience living in that country, confounding the bigots and […]