Posts tagged with "trademark"

Tosha Hays Fashion Executive for Spanx, Venus Fashion Inc captured by David Lamer via Vaughn Lowery's 360 MAGAZINE.


Tosha Hays is an accomplished inventor, entrepreneur, and fashion executive with a wealth of experience in the textiles and fashion industry.

Vaughn Lowery mixed media art for Edge IP Law and Picasso story via 360 MAGAZINE.

Theft of Picassos revives art-world’s Bouvier Affair

Theft of Picassos revives art-world’s Bouvier Affair via 360 MAGAZINE.

Lil Nas X 'Satan Sneaker' illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine


Nike has filed a federal trademark infringement lawsuit against MSCHF shoes that released a controversial customized version of its sneakers “Satan Shoes” with rapper Lil Nas X. In the lawsuit filed today, Nike accused MSCHF Product Studio, Inc. of trademark infringement over the designer’s 666 pairs of modified Nike sneakers made in collaboration with the “Old Town […]

Illustration, trademark, patent, inventions, 360 MAGAZINE, SARA SANDMAN

Non-Profit to Provide Free Patent Filing Tools to Inventors

By Abigail Baldwin × Vaughn Lowery Obtaining a patent is a long process. Inventors have to file complex legal documents which can get very expensive. A patent is a license from the US government and gives you exclusive rights to an invention. It grants the inventor the power to eliminate others from creating, using, or […]

Lexus ES, Vaughn Lowery, 360 MAGAZINE, NYC, rooftop

Important Financial Steps Before Starting Your Own Business

If you had a dollar for every time another business failed due to missteps in their business finances, you’d probably be able to fund your entire operation without worrying. You don’t want to be one of those business owners with a company that slowly (or sometimes quickly) sinks because they lack a firm grip on […]

Cultivating Company Culture

TRAVEL JOURNALIST THOMAS WILMER INTERVIEWS 360 MAGAZINE PUBLISHER VAUGHN LOWERY Small to medium sized business often fall short due to high turnover. Vaughn Lowery, Publisher of 360 Magazine, provides listeners with first-hand knowledge on the ever-shifting world of digital publishing and content creation through a youthful lens. Likewise with his innate ability to be accessible, […]