Thrivelab, a trusted leader in hormone health and weight management services, is proud to announce the addition of compounded oral (sublingual) semaglutide to its weight loss and hormone balancing programs for men and women.

Thrivelab, a trusted leader in hormone health and weight management services, is proud to announce the addition of compounded oral (sublingual) semaglutide to its weight loss and hormone balancing programs for men and women.
By: Mark Ratner, MD, Chief Science Officer, Theralogix I woke up suddenly at 2 a.m. – my heart was racing and pounding in my chest. I’d been a physician for 30 years, so I instantly knew something was really wrong. I woke my wife and said, “I think we need to get to the ER.” Thirty minutes […]
THE HOT TREND OF PERSONALIZED VITAMINS Based on an online survey of Influence Central’s Consumer Insights Panel, with responses from 500 consumers, May 2021. COVID HAS USHERED IN AN ERA OF PROACTIVE WELLNESS During the COVID-19 Pandemic, nutritional supplement sales grew at unprecedented levels. Largely driven by vitamin, minerals and supplements (VMS) and products aimed […]
Although it can be hard to target fat in order to burn it off your body, it is essential to your health to get rid of belly fat. This fat, also known as visceral fat, accumulates inside the body around vital organs. Fortunately, several ways to reduce belly fat exist, including those below. Learn to […]