Posts tagged with "sexual assault"

Gucci Bamboo: Decoding an Icon Shanghai exhibition 3/28 - 4/6 via 360 MAGAZINE.

Weekly World News Roundup By @VaughnLowery

LIVE from Phnom Penh, 360 Magazine’s Vaughn Lowery covers breaking news from around the world.

Breaking News illustration via Nicole Salazar for use by 360 Magazine

Hunter Echo Makes Disgusting Comments About Millie Bobby Brown

By: Skyler Johnson On July 12, TikTok user Hunter Echo–AKA Hunter Ecimovic–made a now-deleted livestream where he jokingly claimed he abused and groomed Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown after a picture surfaced of the two kissing. He also went into great detail about their sex life during the course of their alleged eight month […]

Guillen illustration

The Murder of Fort Hood Soldier, Vanessa Guillen

By Emmet McGeown “How can this happen on a military base? How can this happen while she was on duty? How can this just happen and then let it go under the rug like it was nothing?” These were the words of Mayra Guillen, sister of Pfc. Vanessa Guillen, who has been missing for months […]

car sharing phoenix for use by 360 Magazine

Research Shows Ridesharing Services Reduce Sexual Assault

Contrary to portraits painted in popular media, new research involving ridesharing services shows they provide an additional level of protection for potential sexual assault victims, particularly in neighborhoods with inadequate public transportation or in circumstances that are more prone to sex crimes. The study, “The Deterrent Effect of Ride-sharing on Sexual Assault and Investigation of […]

False Light by Eric Dezenhall for use by 360 Magazine

False Light Author on Cuomo Scandal

New York Governor May Not Weather This Long-Term Eric Dezenhall, noted D.C. crisis management expert and author of the new novel False Light, published a column in RealClearPolitics Tuesday, offering insight into the ongoing scandal surrounding New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo has been hit with two scandals in the last few weeks regarding COVID deaths inside nursing homes and multiple […]

Hiking by Kaelen Felix for 360 Magazine

Tums’ Inappropriate ‘Camping Trip Chili’ Commercial

By: Emily Bunn Antacid brand, Tums, recently released a commercial for Tums Naturals which features two women camping in the woods. As they heat chili over their campfire, one of the women begins to feel some heartburn. Suddenly, a towering, ominous red pepper appears behind her menacingly. The pepper is noticeably phallic, and dominates the […]

Book illustration via 360 Magazine

The Stranglehold Series

By Katherine Jeffries Lenient and non-existent criminal sentences have given rise to movements such as #metoo, #yesallwomen, #whyididntreport, #protecteverychild, #endmodernslavery, #blacklivesmatter to name a only a few. The growing unrest of a rigged justice system is rightly being met with a “burn it down” sentiment. The Stranglehold Series was inspired by the very frustrations and […]

How to Ensure Your Son is Clear on Consent

The Legal Information Institute includes in their definition of assault, “reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required.” Studies have shown that more than 90% of our communication is non-verbal. We need to teach our young people, especially our young men, how to read non-verbal cues. If you lean […]

Former Vice President Joe Biden Knows America’s “Dirty Little Secret”

Former Vice President Joe Biden Knows America’s “Dirty Little Secret” Former Vice President Joe Biden has called it a, “public health epidemic.” A “stain on the moral character of a society.” An issue that “cuts to the very core of how we measure ourselves.” Joe Biden believes, “We must change the culture.” See Joe Biden […]