Amongst reaching the midway point of 2022, 360 MAGAZINE reviews the top stories for the month of June.

Amongst reaching the midway point of 2022, 360 MAGAZINE reviews the top stories for the month of June.
A comprehensive rundown of the leading news stories occurring throughout the month of May 2022.
Blueprint Productions presents adaptations of the works of Chekhov and Turgenev, presented in repertory, and scored in jazz: About Love, a musical play with songs, inspired by Ivan Turgenev’s novella, “First Love”; and Three Sisters, a sparkling new adaptation of the play by Anton Chekhov. Both productions are adapted and directed by Will Pomerantz, and […]
It’s been nearly two weeks since Putin’s Russia started a gruesome and unprovoked attack on its neighbour country Ukraine. Organisations and companies were quick to enact immediate sanctions, and the illegal incursion is altering industries worldwide. Sports, in particular, is facing several challenges to adapt their global events that typically welcome athletes from all countries. […]
It is no secret that millennials are making changes in the world around us every day. From social justice, equality, politics, climate change, and social media, the world is changing every day because of them. Millennials outnumber Gen X and will soon outnumber Baby Boomers among voters. Not only have they revolutionized the economy, but […]
Many Internet users don’t take online privacy seriously because they believe that they have nothing to hide. Even if you don’t want to secure your data from the curious eyes of big brother, you should be aware of other privacy threats on the Internet. Other states: Even if you trust your own government, do you […]
Consumer Reports & PIRG Urge Airlines to Provide Full Refunds for Flights Canceled During Pandemic as Voucher Expiration Dates Approach Groups Call for Airlines to Extend Voucher Expiration Dates Through At Least End Of 2022 With the one-year anniversary of the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown approaching, Consumer Reports and U.S. PIRG sent a letter to ten domestic airlines today calling […]
70% of the Top 10 Billionaires Generated Their Wealth from the Tech Industry. Data researched by Trading platforms UK indicates that 70% of the top ten richest people amassed their wealth from the technology industry as of March 1, 2021. The top ten wealthiest individuals control a fortune of $1.14 trillion in total, with tech players accounting […]
Amethysts have been used by humans for millennia as decorative adornments, and this particular example of quartz is widely appreciated for its eye-catching violet hue and its alluring shimmer. If you are keen to find out more about amethysts, read on for an introduction to everything you could ever want to know about this type […]
“I was fortunate in being with Margret Thatcher when she met Mikhail Gorbachev in 1984. He did more to end the Cold War than anyone else and it ended without a shot being fired. We need to listen to his wise advice and encourage Vladimir Putin, not just Donald Trump, to act on it. Neither wants war but, as […]