Posts tagged with "puppies"

360 MAGAZINE, Vaughn Lowery, dogs, puppies, family, pets, family pets, doodles, cute doodles

Canine Tips: When to Bring Your Dog to the Vet

Many new dog owners are unsure about how often they should bring their dog to the vet. You should take your dog to the vet when required, if you are unsure, you can speak to the veterinarian and ask them for advice on the subject. Every dog needs access to a safe home, toys, healthy […]

Kate Walsh, Actress, 360 MAGAZINE,

Get your dog’s A-Game back

Is your dog’s scratching more than “just an itch?” Actress and life-long dog lover Kate Walsh knows first-hand that dogs can be “off their game” because of allergic itching, leading to more serious problems if not treated by a veterinarian. Kate joins us today to share important info on how you can get your dog’s […]

5 Quick & Easy Dog Training Tips

Everyone wants a dog they can communicate with. A dog that you give a simple instruction, and watch it obey. It’s not just for fun but also to make your dog behave accordingly. Some dogs like the security ones are trained and aren’t the same as balanced dogs. It’s your responsibility to train your dog […]

CBD For Dogs

Calming, pain relieving and inflammation reducer. These are only a few of the wonders CBD oil can have over your pet friend. It’s an ailment helper––without the psychoactive reactions associated with cannabis. Cookie, an eight-year-old Schnautzer suffered from a stroke during the 2018 Holidays. The result was a poor equilibrium and a problematic internal sleeping […]

How a Pet Helps You Feel Better When You Are Sad

If you already own a pet, then you’re likely to be well aware of the uplifting effect that a pet can have on your mood when you’re feeling sad. But have you ever wondered why this is? Here are a few scientifically-backed reasons as to how a pet is genuinely able to make a person […]

Tips to Grooming Your Dog at Home

Our dogs are our most faithful friends and companions, making our homes more welcoming and lively. For this reason, if you are a pet parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your 4-legged buddy is well groomed to keep them happy and health all day long. Grooming your dog regularly keeps it neat, comfortable […]

Fetch cbd, cats, dogs, cbd, cannabis, medicine, 360 magazine, puppies, kittens

Fetch: CBD For Pets

Numerous international studies suggest that CBD may be beneficial for pets with issues such as anxiety, inflammation, seizures generalized pain, nausea and inappetence. New Fetch tinctures which some in two bottle sizes depending on the size of your pet) contain full-spectrum CBD obtained through CO2 extraction from American-grown industrial hemp. There is no THC (the chemical in marijuana that […]