Posts tagged with "obesity"


From the creators of these global stories, The Breast Forces Study, The Backpack Study and Text Neck Study. A New Study publishing in Surgical Technology International correlates belly fat per waist circumference and defines spine forces, by the pound. In the America, more than two-thirds of adults (220 million-plus) are overweight or obese, and childhood […]

New York Town Goes On Diet to Combat COVID-19

NEW YORK OFFICIALS ANNOUNCE FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND TOWNWIDE DIET TO STOP WEIGHT GAIN DURING QUARANTINE A New York Town has become the nation’s first to be put on a diet to combat COVID-19, according to Obesity Specialist and Director of Bariatric Surgery at Northwell Health-Huntington, Dr. David Buchin, Suffolk County Legislature Health Committee Chairman Dr. William Spencer, […]

Health, Vaughn Lowery, 360 MAGAZINE, brunch, easter meal

Aftermath of Easter Eating

1) First and foremost, give yourself a break and quit being so hard on yourself. There are no Slip-ups once you have a healthy relationship with food and with eating, because a slip-up simply doesn’t exist in that type of relationship. There are no “bad foods” or “magic foods.” One meal or even one day […]

Raising Children to Eat Greens

Getting children to eat their greens? Both parents need to set an example A positive example set by both the mother and the father promotes the consumption of vegetables, fruit and berries among 3–5-year-old children, according to a new study from the University of Eastern Finland. The study explored the association of the home food […]

The Couch Potato Gene

Regular physical activity is a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, a majority of American adults spend their waking hours sitting, which leads to a variety of health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Now, a researcher from the University of Missouri has identified a specific gene related to physical inactivity […]

Getting to the Heart of the Problem

Although it is well known that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability among all Americans, there is still a misconception that it primarily affects older, white men. The truth is, the risks are even higher for African Americans. African Americans have higher rates of heart disease risk factors such as hypertension, […]

Rise in Obesity-Related Cancers

A new analysis, published in the Lancet Public Health, raises the alarm that the rates of obesity-related cancers are rising in younger and younger adults. In the new study, six of twelve types of obesity-related cancers have significantly increased between 1995-2014 and the risk of these cancers is increasing in each successive younger age group. […]


October is Depression Awareness Month, and a great time to focus on ways to overcome the blues and keep depression away. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, around 16 million adults each year experience the most common type of depression, which is Major Depressive Disorder. The disorder is characterized by having at […]