360 MAGAZINE has compiled a list of the most powerful personalities. Many of them have had an impact within marginalized communities around the world, outpacing many social constructs.

360 MAGAZINE has compiled a list of the most powerful personalities. Many of them have had an impact within marginalized communities around the world, outpacing many social constructs.
October is Emotional Wellness Month, making it a great time to put emotional health in the spotlight. According to Mental Health America, 31% of adults will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime, over 17 million adults have depression, and 7% of the adult population has major depression. Clearly, we need to put a bigger […]
Many people, including children and adults across diversity backgrounds, can struggle with social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral health. These challenges can be situational, present for a season of life, or be a struggle across a lifetime. The symptoms may also turn on and turn off, be persistent every day, or resolve just to pop back […]
Major Health, Education, and Child Welfare Organizations Oppose Anti-LGBTQ State-Based Legislation WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the nation’s leading child health and welfare groups representing more than 7 million youth-serving professionals and more than 1000 child welfare organizations released an open letter calling for lawmakers in states across the country to oppose dozens of bills that target […]