Thrivelab Longevity is a state-of-the-art wellness clinic located at Mizata by Antiresort, dedicated to optimizing health, beauty, and longevity through personalized treatments and holistic care.

Thrivelab Longevity is a state-of-the-art wellness clinic located at Mizata by Antiresort, dedicated to optimizing health, beauty, and longevity through personalized treatments and holistic care.
Taking medication is not without risks, especially for the elderly.
Many people get into homeopathy to assist with ongoing conditions. Although medication and advice from your doctor could make life more comfortable, adding all-natural remedies to your treatment plan could result in more significant results. Check out these 12 health benefits of ginger and how to use ginger for whatever ailments you must address. 1. […]
The future of home-diagnostic tests By Aayush Rai, CEO, Inito During the pandemic, many of us worry about our own health and of our families. And recently, a conversation with a close friend turned to this topic. She has Hypothyroidism and needs to be on lifelong medication to manage the condition. While managing this ailment […]
Traveling in a time of COVID – How Parnell Pharmaceuticals nasal spray can help protect travelers. As many are starting to venture out on vacations and air travel the must have items to take include hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes but recent research has shown that nasal sprays can help protect against some viruses. Especially […]
It does not matter whether you will visit your family a hundred miles away or are determined to introduce your kitty to its predecessors – exotic cats – during safari abroad; traveling with cats is always a challenge. Unlike dogs, which have a tender attachment to the owner, cats are not that enthusiastic about this […]
The average person loses anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day—it’s part of the natural hair cycle and won’t make a difference on the scalp. It only becomes a problem when there isn’t new hair to replace the ones that you’ve lost. A medical condition, it can be caused by a number of things from medications […]
Healthcare companies are at the center of so many debates right now, and their involvement in the pandemic is one of the biggest. Having to answer customer questions while COVID-19 impacts the nation in a manner unprecedented in our lifetime can be a challenge, but Authenticx is offering advice to companies attempting to provide answers. […]
A new study published on May 14 in the British Medical Journal has found a surprising side-benefit of regularly taking the supplement glucosamine for osteoarthritis symptoms: Long-term usage also strengthens cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart attack death by 22 percent. The prospective study of approximately 466,000 subjects showed that people who took […]
WATCH DIVELINER’S MELANCHOLY NEW MUSIC VIDEO FOR NEW SONG “2 HEARTS” WATCH HERE LISTEN TO DIVELINER’S ETHEREAL EMO-POP SONG “LEXAPRO” HERE “For every three hundred tracks you receive that sound like the harbingers of doom, there’s one beautiful little diamond in the rough—which is where Diveliner comes in.” – Noisey “Diveliner is an L.A. singer/producer […]