Posts tagged with "Lebanon"

Lebanon illustration by Rita Azar

Lebanon Currency Crisis

By Rita Azar The Lebanese currency has severely depleted in value during the last few months. Although many politicians claim that the lira will stabilize at 3000 to a dollar, the currency crisis continues to rock the finances of Lebanon. Ever since 1990, 1500 liras have always equaled a dollar. Although this is a far cry from 1980 when […]

Syria illustration

Lebanese Crisis: How it Happened

By Rita Azar Lebanon today can be summed up to bread lines, a devalued currency, no clear system for clean water, and a garbage crisis. To understand how the country that was called “Paris of the East” for nearly 40 years in the 20th century has now became widely known as a failed state, one […]

Beirut × “The Heart of Lebanon”

Written by Rana Salloom Known as the Paris of the Middle East Beirut, Lebanon is a city that never sleeps and is rooted in its traditional Middle Eastern culture dating back thousands of years. Lebanon is a small country spanning 110 miles off the Mediterranean coast and its capital, Beirut is the 3rd oldest city […]


BEIRUT DESIGN FAIR responds to the expectations of amateurs, collectors and professionals in search of different and innovative methods, ideas and inspirations in the field of design. “Our objective is to promote recognition of Lebanon’s proper place: at the forefront of creativity in the region. We have here assembled evidence confirming that Beirut has both […]


Nemr (pronounced  like  simmer Lebanese/American  Stand… but  hotter) is  a  comedian  who  is credited  with  establishing  and  pioneering  the  standup  comedy  scene  throughout  the  Middle  East. Nemr grew  up  in  San  Diego  and  then  moved  back  with  his family  to  Lebanon. Inspired  by  comedy  and healing  powers  of  laughter,  he  went  on  to  break  down barriers […]