Institut Polytechnique de Paris will present a workshop “Tech the challenge for society”, which highlight the latest game-changing research projects conducted within its existing interdisciplinary centers and upcoming ones.

Institut Polytechnique de Paris will present a workshop “Tech the challenge for society”, which highlight the latest game-changing research projects conducted within its existing interdisciplinary centers and upcoming ones.
DIGITALLY DISCONNECTED 13 TIPS FOR HELPING BRIDGE THE DIGITAL DIVIDE FOR CHILDREN DURING COVID-19 While social, racial, and economic disparities have always existed within the educational system, the COVID-19 pandemic is exasperating these inequities and widening gaps between students at a drastic rate. For families who can’t afford home computers, laptops, or high-speed internet access, […]
New Survey Reveals Belief that Travel Plus a Passion for Learning are Key We’ve all heard the theories that exercise, healthy diet and challenging mind games can help a person live longer with greater mental acuity, but it seems that travel (particularly travel with an educational focus) should be added to that list as well. […]
Employers complain that graduates are not ready for work. Stanford University studies indicate students are overloaded and under-prepared. So exactly what should we teach young people in an age where Dr. Google has an answer for everything; humans are living longer; the traditional professions disappear while new ones are created; international mobility is drastically increasing […]
SMART RHYMES VeganSmart uses music to entertain and educate on benefits of a Vegan lifestyle In the Hip-Hop industry “beefs” among industry heavy weights are quite common and usually addressed in the studio with a diss track. The brand that has successfully built a bridge between hip-hop and health, VeganSmart, is addressing their “beef” with…well…beef and […]