Once the weather starts to warm up, everyone is eager to get back outside. The extra daylight is the perfect motivator to take a walk or swim down at the beach.
Posts tagged with "health"
How to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally
Cholesterol is discussed so frequently, and sometimes flippantly, it has become somewhat of a medical buzzword. To some, it may seem like a nonconsequential item and for others it is one of bigger deals floated across their plate. The reality is that cholesterol is worth both understanding and managing well in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Minerals And Vitamins That Help With Weight Loss, Say Experts
More than half of the world’s population is suffering from weight gain. This is due to people adopting unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Eight Ways AI Is Empowering Workplaces
The future is coming and the current world is changing to keep up with it. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to highly developed systems that can be programmed to do something – which is perfect for the working world.
Ten minute activities that will make you feel happier
As children, many seemed to believe happiness would sort of fall into our lives as we grew older simply due to the nature of life. Now, having had a dose of reality and adulthood, it is very apparent that this is not the case.
From the creators of these global stories, The Breast Forces Study, The Backpack Study and Text Neck Study. A New Study publishing in Surgical Technology International correlates belly fat per waist circumference and defines spine forces, by the pound. In the America, more than two-thirds of adults (220 million-plus) are overweight or obese, and childhood […]
Five Habits To Adopt For a Healthy Lifestyle
Discover simple healthy habits that enhance your lifestyle without making major changes. Find out the best ways to live in good health.
New Health Trend: Aqua Cycling
New health trends are quickly emerging as people seek ways of keeping fit. One effective health trend is aqua cycling. Aqua cycling continues to gain popularity for being the perfect exercise that offers maximum health benefits with very minimal pain. What is Aqua Cycling? Aqua cycling is a form of aerobic exercise that uses a […]
Eleven Tips for Good Brain Health
As we age, our brains get older too and will decrease in size and function. By taking action now, you can reduce your risk factors for more rapid aging.
Everything You Need To Know About Whether Women Can Use Men’s Shampoo
Most people have been there, you’re enjoying a nice hot shower and want to wash your hair. That’s when you realize you have no shampoo left. If you’re lucky you have two options. Use the man’s shampoo in the shower Get out of the shower and check your cupboards for another bottle of shampoo Let’s […]