Posts tagged with "health"

360 MAGAZINE, Vaughn Lowery

5 Ways Your Relationship Can Hurt Your Health

By Robert Oldman Anyone who clicked on a site like and is now in a meaningful relationship as a result may well face their fair share of ups and downs. For most people, dating relationships are new and exciting uncharted territory. The experience will more typically be exemplified by happiness, contentment, fun nights out, […]

Vaughn Lowery, 360 MAGAZINE

The Secret Code to Resetting Your Body’s Inner Clock

By Cynthia Li, MD “Our modern lifestyle is disrupting a deeply ingrained, primordial, and universal code to being healthy.” This is how Dr. Satchin Panda, a professor at the Salk Institute in San Diego and a researcher on circadian rhythms, begins his book, The Circadian Code. His statement is backed by a compelling body of […]

360 MAGAZINE, Dr. Janet Denlinger, Dr. Rod J. Rohrich , Morgan Hare

AiRS Foundation

The AiRS (Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery) Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded by Dr. Janet Denlinger and Morgan Hare, two women whose success in business motivated them to find a way to give back to our community. To that end, they asked Dr. Rod Rohrich, the founding Chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at […]

Morse Asturias, Vaughn Lowery, 360 MAGAZINE

5 Best Sports Activities for Students

With the lure of electronic activities like playing computer games and surfing the net that don’t require physical exercise, students may miss out on an opportunity to socialize, keep healthy and boost their brainpower.  Sports activities will relieve your stress, help you to sleep better, control your weight, improve your mood and give you more […]

The Couch Potato Gene

Regular physical activity is a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, a majority of American adults spend their waking hours sitting, which leads to a variety of health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Now, a researcher from the University of Missouri has identified a specific gene related to physical inactivity […]

Avoid Clinical Entrepreneurial Syndrome

Whether you are running your own business as an entrepreneur – or running someone else’s business as an executive – there is an enormous amount of demand on your resources. You are likely to be playing the role of project manager, human resources liaison, accountant, and marketing specialist. You are the one who gets called […]

Vaughn Lowery, 360 MAGAZINE

7 Ways To Make Your Face Look Younger

Everyone wants to live forever, but NO one wants to grow old. Well, at least no one wants to LOOK old! That paradox has been ingrained in most of us from the moment we feel the effects of aging!  It is a deep-rooted desire to fight the process of growing old tooth and nail. While […]

Maintaining Your Dog’s Youthful Joints

Sourced in New Zealand, GLM is the Superfood Dog Owners Are Talking About Millions of dog owners could be unaware their pet is suffering from pain and mobility issues- because they’re unable to identify tell-tale signs.  “Dogs don’t show how they’re feeling in the way humans do and can’t tell us when they’re hurt or […]

How to Ensure Your Son is Clear on Consent

The Legal Information Institute includes in their definition of assault, “reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required.” Studies have shown that more than 90% of our communication is non-verbal. We need to teach our young people, especially our young men, how to read non-verbal cues. If you lean […]

Hudson Yards, New York City, 360 MAGAZINE, Vaughn Lowery

Miracle-Minded Mojo?

It’s More than Looks and Appearances that Attract You By John J. Murphy In this fascinating world of innovative music, stunning fashion, eccentric new looks, and digital methods of expression, we are often mesmerized by the physical appearances of things. Stop and consider the amazing images we share with one another every day. Music videos. […]