Posts tagged with "Games"

Rolls-Royce illustration by Mina Tocalini

Rolls-Royce Online Game

In honor of the newly unveiled Wraith Kryptos Car Collection, Rolls-Royce launches an entertaining and interactive online game, for members of the public and enthusiasts around the world to enjoy. On top of just being an enjoyable and unique game, ten lucky players who complete the game first will win their very own personalized Rolls-Royce […]

360 MAGAZINE gaming illustration by Ivory Rowen.

Things to Do While We Are in the Final Stages of Lockdown

As life slowly begins to return to normal, you may still be struggling to find things to do. Even though in many areas, restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, gyms and more are opening, there are still many people that are not quite ready to venture out. If you have spent much of your lockdown struggling to […]

spider-woman strikes again

Spider-Woman Strikes Again

SPIDER-WOMAN HITS A NEW MILESTONE THIS OCTOBER! October’s Spider-Woman #5 Marks the 100th issue of Spider-Woman Since her debut in 1977’s Marvel Spotlight #32, Spider-Woman has played many different roles across the Marvel Universe from S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent to Avenger. Over the years, her astounding adventures have made her one of Marvel’s most popular Super Heroes, […]

Marvel The Pull List

Marvel – The Pull List

MARVEL’S THE PULL LIST UNVEILS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEWS FOR UPCOMING MARVEL COMICS IN OCTOBER Today, Marvel released its special edition of THE PULL LIST, unveiling exclusive information for the hottest books coming to comic shops this October! Tucker Markus took the reins of this special previews announcement solo, presenting the first look at a few bleeding-edge […]

Bingo illustration by Rita Azar

The Health Effects of Playing Bingo

Bingo has come a long way since its inception, particularly with regards to the way the game is played in modern society. Although bingo has its roots back in the 1500s, it wasn’t until the 20th century that it truly crossed over into mainstream consciousness. It became popular in the United Kingdom during the 1950s, […]

Rita Azar, illustrations, games, 360 Magazine

Building a New Normal after the Wave of Covid-19 Passes Over

Perhaps the single most important unifying factor that brought every individual of the planet together was the pandemic of COVID-19 that hit the humankind towards the end of 2019 when everyone was busy making plans for the New Year. And ever since that, six long months have gone by in the blink of an eye. […]

video game, 360 Magazine, Vaughn Lowery, gamers

The Best Video Games To Try This Year

Even though the two are obviously very different to one another, video games and casino games actually share a fair few similarities too. When you get back to basics, the two are basically there to provide the players with enjoyment and entertainment. Okay, online video game casinos are also there to serve as a business […]

video game, 360 Magazine, Vaughn Lowery, gamers

Is Music Important in The Gaming Industry?

When you consider the video game industry and the work that goes into developing these games, your first thoughts might go towards the actual game developers. While these are arguably the most important cog in the process, many more people are involved in the entire production of a game. Most people don’t realise it, but […]

Marvel, superheroes, xmen, empyre, cartoon, comic

New Marvel Pull List

New York, NY— May 21, 2020 — Today, Marvel released its special at-home edition of THE PULL LIST, unveiling information for the hottest books coming to comic shops this August! Hosts Ryan “Agent M” Penagos and Tucker Markus gave viewers a sneak peek into the first solo story starring Matt Murdock’s twin brother in DAREDEVIL […]

Is the gaming industry slightly taking over the entertainment world?

When someone talks about the entertainment industry, most of us think about music and cinema. Our very first associations to entertainment shows would be the Oscars, Grammys, talent shows, BRIT Awards, Music Awards and so on. The glamour in the film and music industry is undeniable. But would you be surprised to know that these […]