Sharp Stick, written and directed by Lena Dunham opens on Friday July 29th in New York and Los Angeles, and keeps expanding to theaters nationwide on Friday August 5th.

Sharp Stick, written and directed by Lena Dunham opens on Friday July 29th in New York and Los Angeles, and keeps expanding to theaters nationwide on Friday August 5th.
“Untrapped: The Story of Lil Baby” is the chronological narrative of Dominique Armani Jones, a black horse’s right of passage.
By Hannah DiPilato Warning: Spoilers Ahead Netflix has recently released the heart-wrenching short film, “If Anything Happens, I Love You.” The twelve-minute animation has gained immense popularity on social media and many people on TikTok are urging others to watch the film. Written and directed by Michael Govier and Will McCormack, the film looks into […]
By Hannah DiPilato Last week, Girl starring Bella Thorne was released to select theaters and VOD platforms. The psycho-thriller movie has gained mixed reviews so far with a 4.8 out of 10 on IMDb and a 63% on Rotten Tomatoes. The film was directed and written by Chad Faust and stars Faust, along with Thorne […]
In Full Bloom – Award-winning, indie boxing feature Written & Directed by Adam VillaSeñor and Reza Ghassemi After the U.S. and Japan’s battle in WWII, Masahiro and Clint train past their limits to prepare for a long-awaited international fighting match. The film tracks these two tough, complex characters as their powerful motives parallel the overarching tension […]