SCAM is an in-depth investigation of Southeast Asia’s online fraud and hacker industry and its human toll.

SCAM is an in-depth investigation of Southeast Asia’s online fraud and hacker industry and its human toll.
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Taking medication is not without risks, especially for the elderly.
Contrary to what some people may think, becoming elderly isn’t always about gray hair and having to deal with medical conditions. In truth, many elderly people are just as healthy as they were during their younger years. Granted, being that healthy and staying that way does require diligence and proper medical care. Here are four […]
In a letter addressed to Rochelle P. Walensky, the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) is requesting further guidance, data-sharing, and urgency into researching the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination, especially in regard to the elderly population. The AHCA/NCAL, represents more than […]
Ron Craft of Bristol is typical of many adult children who lovingly care for their aging parents. He considers it “a blessing” to be able to keep his mother, Shirley Dunphy, comfortably living in her own home. Also typical for family caregivers, Ron gave up his salary when he left his job as a financial […]
When you retire, your whole life changes. Or, at least that’s how it feels. For most of us, our careers are a huge part of our entire identity, and you will probably feel a lot different once you hang it up. That can be good and bad. For some, it is fully and undeniably a […]
Nursing homes see spike in COVID-19 cases as communities loosen quarantine guidelines. The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL), representing more than 14,000 nursing homes and assisted living communities across the country that provide care to approximately five million people each year, released a report today showing nursing homes in […]