Louis Vuitton and Maxime Frédéric debut a new collection of luxury handbags in the form of Easter chocolates via Vaughn Lowery’s 360 Magazine.

Louis Vuitton and Maxime Frédéric debut a new collection of luxury handbags in the form of Easter chocolates via Vaughn Lowery’s 360 Magazine.
Spring is a few weeks away, and holidays are coming up too. Many want to put some spring-like decorations on the table or use them as a centerpiece. But some don’t know where to begin. Lively Root wants to guide you through the process so you can use what you have on the shelves while […]
A new study from Faunalytics suggests that people who interact with farm animals at sanctuaries are more likely to consume fewer animal products. Farm Sanctuary, America’s premier farm animal sanctuary and advocacy organization, joined Faunalytics to release the study, which showed that 70% of non-vegans who went on a tour through Farm Sanctuary said they […]
By Beachbody Super Trainer and creator of Ultimate Portion Fix, Autumn Calabrese When deciding on a nutrition program to follow to slim down for your wedding there are a few key things to keep in mind. The first being how much time you have till the big day and how much time you have till […]
360 Magazine will be conducting a social giveaway for a pair of GA tickets. To enter, just follow @brunchlifefest on Instagram and comment #360magazine and #agendafestival on our Instagram post here. Winners will be announced Thursday, August 2nd. They can collect their passes under their names with proof of ID at WILL CALL. Brunch Life […]
Forget the Painted Eggs: This Is How Miley Cyrus Does Easter You can always count on Miley Cyrus to do things her way—even when it comes to Easter. While the rest of us will be busy breaking out the Paas egg kits or stockpiling Cadbury chocolates, the pop star has something glitzier planned. “[I’m] going […]
Rise & Shine! Beach-Themed Brunch Bash to Hit Cityscape On January 20th Because Arizona Loves Brunch! If the promise of bloodies, beach chairs and benedicts isn’t enough reason to get up and out of bed in the morning, then there’s more good news – they’ll all be for grabs in the afternoon and its for […]
SMART RHYMES VeganSmart uses music to entertain and educate on benefits of a Vegan lifestyle In the Hip-Hop industry “beefs” among industry heavy weights are quite common and usually addressed in the studio with a diss track. The brand that has successfully built a bridge between hip-hop and health, VeganSmart, is addressing their “beef” with…well…beef and […]