Marine Toys for Tots Celebrates its 75th Year as it Kicks Off the 2022 Holiday Campaign

Marine Toys for Tots Celebrates its 75th Year as it Kicks Off the 2022 Holiday Campaign
On April 19, 2021, Toys for Tots announced the expansion of their year-round efforts to provide hope to those less fortunate with plans for ANOTHER special gift distribution to children in need. This summer we will be providing ONE MILLION educational toys, books, and games to the children of COVID-19 impacted families. While we all hope […]
Toys for Tots teams up with Good360 (again!), to Distribute One Million Toys, Games and Books to Families-in-Need Toys for Tots announces the expansion of their year-round efforts to support those less fortunate by distributing one million toys, books, and games to families in need NOW. While Toys for Tots is primarily known as a Christmastime charity, […]