55 year old American fashion designer Kate Spade passed away on Tuesday from an apparent suicide by hanging after she was found in her Manhattan apartment. At 10:10am, Kate’s housekeeper contacted the police. A suicide note was also found on site, naming both her daughter and husband in the letter. She had been suffering from […]
Posts tagged with "doctor"
Winter Season × Headaches
Many can agree that the winter season can be a headache – from shoveling snow, bearing the freezing temperatures, de-icing the car – the list goes on. However, what many don’t realize is that the chilly weather can be physically giving you a headache (all thanks to changes in barometric pressure). With migraines being the […]
By Andrew Carey Irving Step 1: Daily Micro-Scrub Exfoliants I’ve used in the past have either been like sandpaper, or the opposite, where I can barely feel any results. This is just right. It doesn’t feel too rough, but you can tell it’s getting rid of that dead layer of skin. Smells good too! Step 02: […]