Voice, the digital art marketplace, is pleased to announce a partnership with Katya Suh and the Suh Family Foundation on a $40,000 commitment to support digital artists.

Voice, the digital art marketplace, is pleased to announce a partnership with Katya Suh and the Suh Family Foundation on a $40,000 commitment to support digital artists.
Youth are growing up in a digital world with screen time and social media being a part of their daily routine. Some experts are divided on whether an increase in teen suicides in the United States can be attributed to an increased use of social screen media. New research findings published in Wiley Online Library’s Developmental Science journal suggest that current survey data […]
Every business which goes digital today knows the dangers of spam and its possible impact on the website’s operations. While fake bots write bad reviews or give one’s site bad scorings, there are some heroes ready to save your online presence from being a nightmare. These heroes are nothing else but the anti-spam services which […]