Written by V. E. Schwab with art by Enid Balám In 2020, New York Times Best-Selling author V. E. Schwab topped the charts with The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Now comes Schwab’s next smash hit… ExtraOrdinary – a brand-new comic series set in the world of Schwab’s best-selling Villains novels. This new story is set in the years […]
Posts tagged with "digital design"
Digital Twin Floating Homes
Digital Twin floating home designs could help coastal cities cope with rising sea levels Climate Change may force some city dwellers to take to the water, according to the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. It estimates that some 800 million people and 570 cities could be at risk by 2050 if sea levels rise half […]
Pininfarina × Blimp
Pininfarina has recently made a series of announcements about its commitment to search for integrated, ready-to-use solutions for the post-COVID-19 era. This includes a partnership with startup Blimp to integrate physical and digital design, technology and services into a solution that can verify and monitor containment measures in any setting: from public transport to airports […]