Posts tagged with "deductible"

Kaelen Felix Land Rover

Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Damage to My Car?

On average, the cost of repair for hail damage to a car is about $2,500.  If you recently had a bad storm that damaged your car, you might not have the money to repair the car, especially if you weren’t expecting that extra cost.  However, in some cases, you could turn to your insurance to help […]

Who Is at Fault in a Rear End Collision in Texas?

In rear end collisions, there is generally only one person at fault, at least by 51%: the driver who did the rear-ending. So, in most cases in Texas, the driver who does the rear-ending is going to end up with their insurance company covering the costs and them being liable for further damages.  If you’ve […]

Sara Sandman, 360 MAGAZINE, illustration

Who’s Liable When an Uber Driver is Involved in an Accident?

Whether you’re a driver or a passenger, the last thing you’d want to imagine is being involved in a car crash. A car accident is often a deadening experience that, in addition to causing physical and emotional pain, can wreak havoc to the victim’s financial health. But accidents do happen from time to time, and […]