By Andi Simon, Ph.D. What does it say about our culture when moms and their children are facing unbearable pain and trauma during the pandemic? This crisis has amplified the way women in the U.S. are undervalued, or not valued at all. While it is widely known that America lags far behind all other […]
Posts tagged with "Business Week"
How Women Can Rethink—And Smash The Myths Holding Them Back
COVID-19 has played havoc with many people’s careers, but it may have been especially detrimental to women. Research shows that working mothers are dropping out of the workforce much faster than working fathers, at least in part because many schools switched to remote learning and at least one adult needed to be in the home with […]
What Keeps Men From Picking Up Their Household Mess
By Andi Simon, Ph.D. For many of the women I have been working with during the pandemic crisis, the biggest complaint has been: “Why doesn’t my husband help pick up the mess?” “Don’t men even see the toys all around them, the dishes in the sink, the clothes needing folding?” And when they finally lend […]