LIVE from Phnom Penh, 360 Magazine’s Vaughn Lowery covers breaking news from around the world.

LIVE from Phnom Penh, 360 Magazine’s Vaughn Lowery covers breaking news from around the world.
Entertainment, it’s something that human beings have sought after since day one. It’s something that we as a species simply crave and the more we can get of it, the better. Is it any wonder then that we now find ourselves in a hi-tech climate of YouTube videos and streaming services comprising hundreds of channels […]
One of the primary challenges of running a brand new business is trying to keep finances as high as possible, while also taking risks to ensure that the business remains relevant in a competitive industry. To a startup, just about every decision made is a potential risk, as there are plenty of ways for things […]
By Dennis Notchick, CFP The United States is mired in its worst unemployment since The Great Depression of 90 years ago. Indeed, COVID-19 has stunted our once-robust economy in many ways. But at the same time, there is this curious occurrence: Equity valuations in the S&P 500 and Nasdaq have hit an all-time high How does that […]
Quinoaplex, a product made of hydrolyzed quinoa protein that protects hair before and after coloring/bleaching. Quinoaplex resolves the issue of thinning hair, split ends, hair breakage and damages. The reason why quinoaplex works is because h air is made up of 85% protein and as we get older, we expose hair to chemical products and […]
Azuri Technologies, a leader in pay-as-you-go solar in Africa and crowdfunding platform Energise Africa today announced the latest phase of debt financing from UK impact investors to deliver affordable, clean energy and help solve the energy crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. The Azuri and Energise Africa collaboration plans to raise £2.5 million for pay-as-you-go-solar and help […]