Posts tagged with "Black History"

Qatar Airways and Brooklyn Nets x Black History Month

Qatar Airways and Brooklyn Nets Celebrate Black History Month To tip off the month, Qatar Airways hosted students and former Tuskegee Airman for a series of events On Monday, Qatar Airways, official airline partner of the Brooklyn Nets, celebrated Black History Month by honoring the historical achievements of African Americans during the Nets game at […]

SambaFunk! Perform at Senator Kamala Harris for President 2020 Campaign Rally

Bay Area artscollective SambaFunk! performed Sunday, January 27th as part of the Senator Kamala Harris for President 2020 Campaign Rally in Oakland. Theo Aytchan Williams, Samba Funk! Artistic Director said, “We are beyond honored to have been invited to participate in this historic moment in time by performing at the Senator Harris for President Campaign […]