Many people tend to have mixed reactions to probiotics because of a few myths and misconceptions surrounding them.

Many people tend to have mixed reactions to probiotics because of a few myths and misconceptions surrounding them.
You might think you need acreage to have a garden plot. Nonsense — if you have sunshine in your apartment, you can start an indoor version.
By: Sherry Torkos, B.Sc.Phm., R.Ph. You’ve got guts. Gut instincts. Go with your gut. All of these familiar sayings suggest that your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is truly your body’s seat of power. Without a healthy gut, you won’t get the nutrients you need to function at your best. But your gut isn’t just part of […]
The British Dental Journal recently found that poor oral hygiene may be linked to more severe cases of COVID-19 because of the harmful bacteria found in mouths that have not been properly taken care of. While the mouth has always been known as a gateway to the rest of the body, giving it the ability […]
By Jessica ter Haar, Ph.D., scientific director of the International Probiotics Association If the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is that proper hygiene is vital to keeping ourselves and the members of our communities safe and healthy. We are constantly reminded of the need to disinfect our hands, avoid touching our faces, keep […]
Every year, 4.7 million people in the United States suffer dog bites. Dogs might be our best friends, but the reality is that they’ve got some sharp teeth. If you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, you could fall victim to their pearly whites. If you suffer a dog puncture wound or a full-on bite, […]
When bacteria like salmonella infect and sicken people, they hijack a person’s cell proteins to develop a defense against an immune response. Understanding how that works and developing methods for defending against these bacteria is difficult because scientists haven’t been able to track the hundreds of proteins involved in real time. Now, W. Andy Tao, a […]
When food is recalled due to contamination from bacteria such as salmonella, one may wonder how a tainted product ended up on store shelves. New technology being developed at the University of Missouri could give retailers and regulators an earlier warning on dangers in food, improving public health and giving consumers peace of mind. The […]
To combat the rise of drug-resistant bacteria, researchers are examining how one superbug adapts to fight an antibiotic of last resort, hoping to find clues that can prolong the drug’s effectiveness. At Rice University and the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ran experiments to track the biochemical changes that vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) […]
Public restrooms are unsanitary, but a new study from — Germs In Your Home Bathroom – show that bacteria in our own homescan lead to serious health issues. More than 500 people were surveyed (274 women and 230 men) and a surface culture analysis was performed on a range of bathroom surfaces. Here are […]