With over 25+ years as a recognizeable talent, music journalist, and culture curator, Vaughn Lowery utilizes his vast experience within the design industry to creatively capture introspective moments with his subjects.

With over 25+ years as a recognizeable talent, music journalist, and culture curator, Vaughn Lowery utilizes his vast experience within the design industry to creatively capture introspective moments with his subjects.
Vaughn Lowery is the executive director of an acclaimed pop pub + design journal, 360 MAGAZINE. Their QR-coded trade books connect to both podcasts and their site in real-time.
By: Merilee Kern Whether gifting for the holidays, a birthday, Valentine’s Day or “just because,” children’s literature is a timeless gift that can impact the recipient, families and society at-large in meaningful ways. This truth is exemplified with “A Little Spark ” children’s book authored by Chris Parsons—a truly unique title that was recently awarded […]
Today Sonos revealed their fall line-up of original programming coming to Sonos Radio and Sonos Radio HD, including a new artist-curated station from the queen of neo-soul Erykah Badu and a collaboration station from Impulse! Records and avid jazz fan and historian Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The platform also announced plans to roll out additional sleep and […]
GORD DOWNIE’S COKE MACHINE GLOW SEES EXPANDED 20th ANNIVERSARY RELEASE Downie’s First Solo Project Revisited With Triple Album Coke Machine Glow: Songwriters’ Cabal (Arts & Crafts) And Poetry Audiobook (Penguin Random House) Out August 27, 2021 – Preorder Now Bonus Listen: ‘I Stand Before The Songwriters’ Cabal‘ Music Edit With Spoken Word By Rob Baker […]
A Gripping Military Horror with Shocking Supernatural Twists Q&A WITH ERIC LELAND: AUTHOR OF Inhuman MILITARY THRILLER DEBUT Question: What inspired you to write Inhuman? Eric Leland: During a class for my MA I wrote a 25-page short story titled Recon Team: Mercury. That story was shortened to five pages and is now the prologue […]