Posts tagged with "aspca"

for use by 360 Magazine


Skechers, The Comfort Technology CompanyTM, is celebrating its newest milestone for its philanthropic BOBS division: the Company’s total donations have now surpassed $7 million for animals in need throughout the United States and Canada. Through its partnership with Petco Love, a national nonprofit working to lead and inspire change for animals, and sales of its […]

Illustration by Alex Bogdan for use by 360 Magazine

Alcatraz East Crime Museum Launches Animal Service Exhibit

Crime fighting isn’t just for humans.  There are furry friends throughout the country that also help to solve crimes. Alcatraz East Crime Museum is highlighting the importance of police service animals in a new display. The exhibit will open on July 23, 2021, and as part of the exhibit, they will have on-going guest appearances […]

CBD For Dogs

Let’s face it – when your feathered, furry or scaly friend is experiencing distress, you will try to do everything to make them feel better. Whether your dog is subjected to chronic pain, nausea or anxiety, CBD and its promising health benefits have a great potential to improve the quality of life for many pets. […]

Dog and child illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

Nutritious Pets

CbdMD’s Paw CBD line The world is finally opening up again, allowing pet-owners to getaway from the confines of quarantine. However, this separation can cause major distress in pets–especially those who were adopted during quarantine. If you have a pet who tends to struggle with social anxiety while you’re away, cbdMD’s Paw CBD line can help. Paw […]

Best Friends illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

Songs to Save Them All

Emmylou Harris, Two Feet, SYML, Wrabel and more to perform in “Songs to Save Them All” livestream concert on May 6 to benefit Best Friends Animal Society  Tune in at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT on YouTube, Tiltify, Twitch, and Facebook  Numerous musicians are set to appear in “Songs to Save Them All: A Benefit Concert for Homeless Pets,” a three-hour benefit concert for Best Friends Animal Society streaming on May 6, 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.   Recording artists expected to perform include country music legend Emmylou Harris, as well as Aunty […]

Dog illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

Backyarding is Here to Stay

Backyarding is Here to Stay & It Has a Purpose. What’s Yours?  By Kris Kiser, President & CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute What once only happened indoors now happens outdoors. It’s called “backyarding,” and it’s a trend that’s here to stay. From office work to working out, from eating to entertaining, if these […]

Rail Explorers illustration by Heather Skovlund (original photo provided by Rail Explorers) for 360 Magazine

Dogs Ride Free on Rail Explorers

DOGS RIDE FREE ON RAIL EXPLORERS LAS VEGAS RAIL BIKES Bring Two Cans of Purina Dog Food for The Boulder City Animal Shelter To Receive a Limited-Edition T-shirt and Dog Bandana Rail Explorers, the year-round, all-ages, outdoor-adventure attraction featuring pedal-powered rail bikes, welcomes riders to bring their furry canine friends. Rail Explorers’ open-air experience has […]

Pitbull illustration by Kaelen Felix for 360 MAGAZINE.

CBD Dog Treats:  Is It Worth Your Money?

The quest to know everything about this compound is still going on as of 2020. The reason behind this is the strict regulation of hemp, meaning not everyone can just grow this out of a whim. This results in less studies conducted in the US, and many ongoing researches are happening outside of the country […]

coco, pitbull, Armon Hayes, Vaughn Lowery ,360 MAGAZINE

Keeping A Dog In The Inner City: A Guide

Many people who live in the midst of a city crave the company of a dog. Living in built-up urban areas can sometimes be a lonely existence, and sometimes a dog is a soothing and comforting housemate that will keep you sane during rough times. However, when you live in such a busy area, it […]

Kate Walsh, Actress, 360 MAGAZINE,

Get your dog’s A-Game back

Is your dog’s scratching more than “just an itch?” Actress and life-long dog lover Kate Walsh knows first-hand that dogs can be “off their game” because of allergic itching, leading to more serious problems if not treated by a veterinarian. Kate joins us today to share important info on how you can get your dog’s […]