Posts tagged with "alternatives"

Beyond The Equator Releases 5 Seed Butter

Whether you have allergy concerns or just want a tasty, healthy alternative to peanut, almond, cashew or other nut butters, now you have a delicious choice! Its name: Beyond The Equator’s 5 Seed Butter Spread. It’s a whole mouthful of delicious! This flavorful blend of chia, flax, pumpkin, sunflower and hemp seeds packs a nutritional […]


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized its plan to clean up contaminated groundwater in the eastern area of the Old Roosevelt Field Contaminated Groundwater Area Superfund Site in Garden City, N.Y. A treatment process will be used to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) from groundwater, thereby reducing potential threats to people’s health. […]