Posts tagged with "adult"

Marijuana illustration by Heather Skovlund for 360 Magazine

Honest Marijuana’s Inside Look at Weed Candy

What’s Sweet AND Gives You a Satisfying High? Weed Candy! Cannabis consumption is entering the mainstream these days, as legalization spreads across the country. While there are all the traditional methods of getting high: smoking a joint, using a bong, and so on, new consumers have fueled the development of new ways of enjoying weed. […]

How to Stay Safe Gaming Online

Online gaming should be a fun and rewarding experience that, critically, does not have any lasting impact. Staying safe online is vital, especially when gaming, as it is all too easy for a fun and innocent activity to become malicious when the right steps have not been taken. That does not mean to say that […]

What Is A Football Prop Bet? Here’s What To Know Before Making One

Betting on sports can be a lot of fun and even be lucrative when you have luck on your side and know what you’re doing. But, there is an aspect that makes athletic wagers even more exciting. There is another type of sports bet called a prop. A “prop” is short for propositional bet. It […]

What are the benefits of a low-carb, ketogenic diet?

There are more than one million searches on Google every month regarding the keto diet and its benefits. Diets can become a fad, but it appears that the keto diet is most definitely here to stay for the long-term. This has largely coincided with people becoming more health-conscious and reading up on more health-related news. […]

Online Casino illustration by Alex Bogdan for use by 360 Magazine

The Latest Slot Technology This Year

Online casinos offer video slot titles that have now become increasingly popular in recent times because of the ability to play almost anywhere and anytime, providing there is stable access to the internet. Online video slots have continued to attract more players because of constant improvements and advancements in technologies used within online casino websites […]

coffee illustration by Kaelen Felix for use by 360 Magazine

Improve Your Concentration with Our Six Step Guide

With so much information and technology at the tip of our fingertips these days, it’s difficult to stop your hand itching to reach out for an item such as your phone to keep you occupied whilst you’re…already occupied. As a collective, we seem to have lost our ability to concentrate fully on one singular task […]

Protected: How to Handle Nipple Clamps: A Beginners Bondage Guide

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Alex Bogdan illustration for 360 MAGAZINE casino and gaming article

Seven Activities for Competitive Friends

If you don’t know the sore loser in your friendship group, chances are, it’s you. But that’s okay! Losing sucks, and it only means that you’re competitive.  While your competitive side might not be for everyone, there are plenty of activities you and like-minded friends can enjoy together so see who actually is the best.  […]

Alex Bogdan illustration for 360 MAGAZINE casino and gaming article

How is Zamsino getting more popular in Australia?

The popularity of online gambling has increased exponentially in Australia over the past decade. It is estimated that the industry will continue to grow in the next couple of years. Around 80% of Australians gamble often, and it’s mostly for fun. This country has plenty of gambling options like Zasmino Australia, which offers different games […]