Happy to share some of our favorite (RED) products as you prepare your Valentine’s Day Gift Guide. Every time someone buys a (RED) product from one of our partner companies, they’re helping save lives. So, whether your readers are celebrating someone special or practicing self-love this year, we have the perfect dash of (RED) for any occasion.
Below are some highlighted products we thought might be a perfect fit for your Valentine’s Gift Guide. Please let me know if you’re looking for something else specific, as we have a variety of (RED)partners making it easy to shop great gifts and save lives.
· (ALEX AND ANI)RED Heart of Strength Bangle: Wear your heart on your sleeve this year with this lifesaving accessory. Retail Price (Gold Bangle): $21.90
· Pucker up this Valentine’s Day with the all-natural and organic pomegranate raspberry(eos)RED Lip Balm. Retail Price: $3.49
· Have sex and save lives with our brand new (DUREX)RED Condoms. When you choose (DUREX)RED, you’ve chosen to protect yourself and your partner, and to join the fight against AIDS. Learn more. Retail Price: $14.99