Merging Realities – Uzair Merchant

‘Uzair Merchant is a compelling visual storyteller who stimulates conversation through a new age matrix that intertwines AR, AI, and VR.’Vaughn Lowery

World Police Summit brought together global law enforcement from over 138 countries to share tomorrow’s strategies to combat global emerging criminal challenges and pave the way for a safer future.

To highlight this safer future, the opening ceremony for the summit featured a never-before-seen film, Merging Realities, which quickly turned into a fully immersive experience for attendees. Viewed on one of the largest seamless mesh holographic screens ever built, at 22m x 4m, this was the first immersive experience of its kind.

With the slogan of the Dubai Police in mind, “Welcome to Policing 5.0,” the film portrays a sci-fi inspired world of Dubai, the technological advances and how the police are always one step ahead, hinting to what the future of policing would be. It showcases the universe all the way back to a single atom, showcasing how we are all connected in a Quantum Realm, the atoms, charges, and electrons pulsating through all of us, the larger picture that we are all one.

The genius behind this film is Uzair Merchant, the founder of bKREATIV Productions and The Kreativ Lab. Merchant’s most recent work embarked on pushing the boundaries of immersive experiences, merging together mesh technology and holographic, traditional cinema, and live onstage action. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Second Deputy Ruler of Dubai were in attendance along with Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, and police leaders, security experts and professionals from across the world.

Merging Realities will soon be released to the public. The full livestream of the event can be viewed here.