Renowned for its one-of-a-kind dining experiences, Soneva is inviting guests to meet “The Tastemakers” – the dedicated, international lineup of skilled chefs and sommeliers who create culinary magic every day at Soneva’s world-leading luxury resorts in Thailand and the Maldives.
The Tastemaker film series officially launches tomorrow with a dedicated video on Soneva Fushi’s award-winning Maldivian Chef Sobah and will then roll out new video premieres every other week through early December 2019. The series highlights members of the talented food and beverage teams across Soneva Fushi, Soneva Jani and Soneva Kiri, offering a rare behind-the-scenes glimpse into everyday life in Soneva’s kitchens, as well as insight into each Tastemaker’s personal journey, cooking style and gastronomic philosophy, including:
Chef Benz is the Thai chef named after her father’s favorite brand of car. Discovered by Soneva founders Sonu and Eva, Chef Benz’s unmatched ability to craft exquisite Thai dishes from even the humblest local ingredients has earned her a reputation as one of the country’s most innovative cooking talents.
Chef Sobah is proud of his Maldivian heritage. He is known for putting his own contemporary twist on Maldivian recipes handed down by his mother and grandmother. His original restaurant, Sobah’s, located on a deserted island near Soneva Fushi was the first resort restaurant in the Maldives to exclusively offer Maldivian delicacies. Chef Sobah now delights diners at Out of the Blue by Sobah with modern Japanese fare using fish caught fresh from the ocean that day.
Chef David knew the first time that he walked through the doors of a professional kitchen that he had found his place. From an early age he set his sights on working in the best kitchens in the world. To this day, he claims to have never worked a day in his life – his kitchen is his home and cooking is his passion.
Chef Priyantha is head chef at The Crab Shack at Soneva Jani, possibly the most romantic restaurant in the world. He grew up on a diet of lagoon crabs in Sri Lanka and now serves a menu inspired by the family recipes of Soneva chefs.
Join Chef Ansari and his team as they take you on a gastronomical journey around the world. The menu provides a guide but the real magic happens when the chefs and guests meet, allowing the chefs to use their creativity and passion to produce a meal that will be remembered forever.
Chef Jenefer grew up foraging around her rural home in the Philippines. Her sense of adventure has never left her and how she uses her knowledge of botany and her skills as a chef to present plat-based dishes that look like works of art at Soneva Fushi’s Shades of Green garden restaurant.
From humble beginnings, Chef Ravi used his wits and his charm to persuade those around him to teach him to cook. He has since worked in some of the best restaurants in the world. Visiting his restaurant Down to Earth is like walking into a family home where you will be greeted with a smile, a warm welcome and exquisite food cooked from the heart.
Chef Kichii Okabe blends Japanese tradition with an informality and playfulness that charms his guests. A Japanese grand master chef with a Michelin star heritage, he is on a mission to make people happy, and he knows good food makes people happy.
To discover more about these chefs and to watch the rest of Soneva’s Tastemaker series, visit For more information about Soneva resorts in the Maldives and Thailand, visit