As of late, 360 MAGAZINE’s Vaughn Lowery had an opportunity to interact with one of the most prolific producers in Hollywood, Julian Schlossberg.

Q: After so many years as a successful producer and podcaster, how did it feel to release part two of your memoir in front of your peers? Was it the reaction you expected?

A: As we have been taught, closure is important.  The fact that I completed another memoir was a satisfying feeling. My peers and critics seem to be consistent on one theme about this book and my first one Try Not To Hold It Against Me. It’s not about the content or my writing style.  It’s simply that they uniformly praise that both books have short chapters. Hmm?? 

Q: How did growing up in The Bronx prepare you to become one of the most revered industry executives in Hollywood?

A: Growing up in The Bronx exposed me to a lot of incredible opportunities to experience and learn about show business. In those days, you could go downtown without any adults to see first-run movies that often played for months before coming to your neighborhood theater. I was able to go to live radio broadcasts and early TV shows as an audience member. I got to meet famous celebrities and even enjoyed dress rehearsals of The Perry Como Show. Then, I would rush home and watch the actual show and see the changes that had been made from the “dress.” I was hooked, and I knew it. 

Q: Why was it so important for you to share your narrative? Was it therapeutic? 

A: Covid was the reason I wrote the books. I wanted to create and was confined to my home. It was also why I started doing 2 weekly podcasts. I enjoyed going back in time and reminiscing.

Q: If you could offer the 10-year-old version of yourself a piece of advice. what would it be?

A: There was never a doubt in my 10-year-old mind about what I wanted to do. I wanted to be in show business and do what wasn’t even considered. I was buying Variety to read outside my home since my mother did not want me to read it for some reason, and when I saw Mary Martin as Peter Pan at 13, that was it. I was hooked (no pun intended).

Q: You’ve had an opportunity to wear many different hats in the industry… Do you have a favorite? Why?

A: I don’t have a favorite. I realized when I began my career that I didn’t have a law degree, wasn’t a doctor or a dentist, or any kind of professional, but I felt knowledge was power. I set out to learn as much as I could about all aspects of the show business. By doing so, I was able to produce theater, movies, and television. I also had a radio show and a television show, co-owned a record company, directed two TV specials, wrote two books, and am currently doing two weekly podcasts. Whew!!!

Q:Is there anything you would like to touch on that we haven’t already mentioned?

A: I am grateful to Elaine May, Marlo Thomas, and Renée Taylor, all of whom contributed to the book. Marlo and Renée wrote chapters, and Elaine wrote the foreword. As the Beatles sang, “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends.”

Q: In your book, you touched on relationships with various proteges that you’ve had in the past. As a mentor, how important was it for you to pass the torch? 

A: I believe that anyone who has a modicum of success should try and help or mentor other people. I’ve enjoyed years of teaching at various colleges and universities and seminars. I even spent a month in China teaching pre-production, production, and post-production of movies. I have found that the idea that you can also be taught by your students is true.

Q: With all of the turbulence in Hollywood, do you support AI and the way it’s being utilized? 

A: I don’t feel I’ve studied enough to comment on AI. However, I’m certainly 100% against using someone’s image and speech without their permission. 

Q: Is there anything else you would like to add? 

A: What I enjoyed writing about was stories of meetings and sometimes working with talented people: Mike Nichols, Elaine May, Woody Allen, Elia Kazan, Larry Gelbart, Arthur Penn, John Huston, and Warren Beatty. On these and many others, I’ve written profiles on some of the funny and interesting experiences I had in their company.

Julian Schlossberg via 360 MAGAZINE.