Chandler Henry directed and produced a poignant documentary, Journey to the UFC. It features one of the league’s most celebrated middleweight contenders, Joe “BodyBagz” Pyfer. Henry delivers a raw and larger than life piece of art that showcases what it really takes to become a champion. The dynamic duo worked together on another film prior to this one, resulting in an unwavering bond.
Upon speaking with the two, their gritty broadcast has generated tons of buzz. The unapologetic Pyfer has given Henry a license to capture some of the most traumatic moments in his career, causing him PTSD. According to BodyBagz, he attributes his resilience to some of life’s adversities: abusive upbringing, homelessness, and self-doubt.
Like a Phoenix, he continues to rise above the tribulations, including his severe arm wound during Dana White’s Contender Series. When he was asked what his rehabilitation regime was and what percentage of his mobility he was able to get back, he immediately went silent. Naturally, Pfyer does not want to educate his future opponents on the possible weaknesses.
The most refreshing part about Joe is that he’s transparent. This 26-year-old powerhouse prefers to concentrate on his technique and mental agility rather than making a quick buck. Like a bottle of reserve, he realizes that he has the opportunity to work on his overall brand as a warrior. In fact, he’s grateful to be a part of Disruptive Sports Group (DSG) – a financial venture that partners with athletes, providing them with the proper tools and resources so they excel.
Even with his short CV, it appears to be working in his favor. Instead of parading desperation, it is inspiring to witness a 6’2″ and 185lb man eloquently convey a level of grace as well as balance. It is evident that his new connectivity between mind and body will be wearing a bundle of belts in the near future.