Following a high-profile feud that saw Jason Derulo sample the original beat yet generate over 1 million TikTok videos in the process, Jawsh 685 and Jason Derulo have come together bringing you your favorite song for summer. Listen to “Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat)” here.
Jawsh 685 is a high school student from South Auckland, New Zealand who has seen his breakout single “Laxed (Siren Beat)” create a global movement with millions of TikTok users celebrating their heritage through learning the “Culture Dance,” transforming into traditional dress-part way through their videos. The island-infused dance track has been involved in over 55 million TikTok creations in only a few weeks, including features by the likes of artist Lizzo, celebrity Jessica Alba and TikTok stars Addison Rae, Tony Lopez, Charli D’Amelio sending it skyrocketing upShazam charts worldwide, reaching Top 25 positions in 30 countries including #2 on the Global Shazam chart. The song has also amassed over 17 million Spotify streams worldwide and over 8 million views on the original YouTube video uploaded in July 2019.

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