Hometown Hangout, established in 2017, is helmed by a dynamic duo: a French professor, Pierre, and Turkish hotelier, Tolga. Both understand the world of hospitality and the importance of communication. Combining an educational career with food and beverage is a home run.
Nestled in the heart of TTP, in close proximity to Kon Bar and Cakes & Craft, adorned with floor-to-ceiling glass, with an accessible staff in tow, they have some of the best beers on top. The group is composed of both Cambodians and expats. Each night has a distinct promotion. Be sure to check their Facebook for listings. Various days see live bands perform, with karaoke mixed in. What makes this place so different is the ambiance. It is in rugby red with black accent walls, coupled with wood tabletops and tufted benches. Despite the absence of food or a kitchen on-site, you can still order delivery.
Amenities include: a pool table, a foosball, a PlayStation gaming area, and a performance stage. With a state-of-the-art audio system, they play an array of eclectic music–afrobeats, EDM, rap, pop, and rock.
The icing on the cake is not only the accessible management but also the patrons. Moreover, if a dewy-eyed, 14-month-old Rottweiler, the bar’s mascot doesn’t make you melt, the overall patronage will.
If you’re searching for a memorable moment, check it out. You’ll be transported into a realm that will soon rival BKK and Bassac Lane.
*Be sure to ask for local Cambodian promoter Jono.
**This bar is located within walking distance to Zando, a beauty bar, local ABA branch, and a barbershop.