German Kabirski was founded in 2000 by a contemporary jewelry designer, German Kabirski. It quickly attracted attention, mainly from people who don't like traditional jewelry and art critics. From the beginning, German Kabirski was all about being different. German experimented with unconventional materials, invented new jewelry techniques, and ignored the thousands-year jewelry tradition to create his own authentic style. He combined diamonds with pebbles, precious metals with fur and feathers, and set stones in a way nobody thought possible.
He is best known for his contemporary jewelry designs made from silver, gold, natural rough and cut gemstones, and other materials, such as pebble, wood, snake backbones, feathers, fur, etc.
Celebrities have worn and admired his work such as Lady Gaga, Maye Musk, Selena Gomez, Janelle Monae, Nicki Minaj, and more. He wishes for people to find their “freak,” as he called his eccentric designs.

Check out the interview w/ German Kabirski.
How long have you been in the field?
I want to make it clear, that I am not a jeweler. Perhaps a metal artist, but not a jeweler. It’s hard to tell how long I’ve been designing jewelry, as I don’t see it as my professional field ofwork. It simply coexists with me as a significant part of my life, a part of me. I live with it like other people live with their imperfections, like a big nose or a short leg. On the other hand, if I saw it as a job, I think it wouldn’t last long – I am too lazy to work.
Can you briefly describe your journey? Schooling?
I never really went to school for jewelry; I’ve just always been curious. After college, university, someone threw out the idea of getting into the jewelry business. I went for it, even opened a factory, but pretty quickly figured out it wasn’t my thing, doing the same stuff as everyone else. So, I shut down the production line and started messing around with jewelry design on my own. All of a sudden, people liked it, and they were even willing to throw some cash my way. I didn’t mind, and it was cool that they appreciated it. Since then, that’s been my thing.
Why do you feel celebrities gravitate towards GK?
It’s just a part of their job to always be a bit extra and stand out. I guess I suit that need better than other brands.
What inspires your collections? Feel free to elaborate on fabrications from start to finish?
It’s a tricky question. I often ask myself that and can’t find a fancy answer. The thing is, I guess I’m not inspired by anything; my freaks are a byproduct of my self-therapy. I don’t feel creative when I’m in a good mood. But during bad times, I just have to sit down and make something with my hands. I don’t plan, I don’t bother with sketches, and I never know what it’s going to be. It’s probably influenced by whatever soured my mood – whether it’s a banana peel I slipped on or war images on my screen… very different reasons.
Oddly enough, contrary to the mood, my freaks are charged with positive energy. It’s really quite weird.
Words of advice for aspiring jewelers?
Honestly, have you ever listened to advice from complete strangers when you were young? I bet not. I didn’t either. In fact, I often did the opposite, when someone was too pushy with their advice. And that’s okay.
So, my advice is not to listen to what others tell you. Follow your instincts and do what you believe is right. It’s through mistakes and disappointments that you start to understand the taste of success. Question everyone and everything, but go beyond just words – let your actions speak too.