DAAM is the animated supergroup comprised of Kaen (Kai-ehn) and Melo-Dee. The intergalactic journeys of DAAM will be told through their lens within an animated world.
The story begins where Kaen has reached a point of his life where he wants to explore. He gets intel that Earth was vacant more than ever as a result of self-isolation. Kaen, shoots down from outside of earth in a lightning bolt form and crashes right in the middle of a guitar center. As for Melo-Dee, he fell out of his own world by mistake and has catapulted into the galaxy crashing into earth as well. He lands right in the middle of an abandoned church where there is nothing but an old broken piano and microphone. The story unfolds of their newfound friendship and passion for music.
Their first song as DAAM is “Black Lambo”, a song where the idea of feeling like you’re literally in the 80s music vehicle and soon as that beat drops you’ve travelled through time right to the present with the RnB vocal, trap infused sonic. Kaen and Melo-Dee will exist animated in visuals. Join us as they begin to get to know Earth while releasing music tracks into and EP this Fall.