Pitbull illustration by Kaelen Felix for 360 MAGAZINE.

CBD Dog Treats:  Is It Worth Your Money?

The quest to know everything about this compound is still going on as of 2020. The reason behind this is the strict regulation of hemp, meaning not everyone can just grow this out of a whim. This results in less studies conducted in the US, and many ongoing researches are happening outside of the country instead. Still, even with the freedom of study, only a handful are actually allowed to handle this plant purely for research purposes.

But that doesn’t mean it has not made an impact in the country. According to this report, since the booming of CBD use in recent years, pharmaceutical companies have been aiming to make something better than CBD— and 50% more potent! Though the plan is still in the blueprint stage, it’s amazing to recognize the push this compound has made in the medical field. And this is all for the advancement of the product that will ultimately make beneficial for animals to ingest as well.

Familiarizing Yourself With The Base Ingredient: CBD And Its Origins

Cannabidiol has been mistaken for marijuana for a long time now, so much so that rumours have become true to some people. We are here to inform you of the facts about this compound. First off, cannabidiol is a compound found in one of the species under the genus Cannabis Sativa, the hemp. Hemp is the sister species of marijuana, thus making marijuana a plant. Cannabidiol and marijuana cannot even be compared as they are of different things entirely, anatomically and biologically.

What can be properly compared is what’s inside the marijuana plant, which is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is a cannabinoid like CBD, and is abundantly present in marijuana, whereas hemp has plenty of cannabidiol and scant amount THC. This already draws a significant line between them, both legally and of customer preference. 

Legally, there would be an allowance of 0.3% THC content or less in a cannabidiol product provided it be used on humans. For animals, it could cause serious damage due to toxicity, like aggressiveness, copious vomiting, and ultimately death. Thus, many cannabidiol-focused companies opt to remove THC completely from their cat and dog products, as well as those for horses and many others meant for the animal kingdom. This doesn’t have anything to do with legalities, though it is common sense to know that letting your pet ingest cannabis with THC content inside is unlawful.

Despite proper labelling, companies faced doubt when THC-toxicity was discovered. Many pet owners demanded for 3rd party lab testing in order to prove the absence of Tetrahydrocannabinol in their formula, as well as how genuine and concentrated it truly was. This is reasonable, as THC toxicity is very risky once the compound has settled inside their bodies. It’s already hard to detoxify an animal’s body from THC, but once metabolized in the liver, it would be almost impossible to remove. And the only way to cure poisoning is to 100% remove all compounds of it in their body.

The Good Result From Using CBD Dog Treats

There are many good reasons why you should let your dog have cannabidiol derived products. It can range from being a medical situation, or just something to reinforce their immune system with. Whatever it is, cannabidiol can likely help you with it, given you follow the proper dosage and read the labels carefully.

1. My Dog Is Feeling Pain

Well, you’re in luck. Cannabidiol is a product that became a booming success because of its analgesic effects. When used by your dog, their ECS will begin to interact with the product. ECS stands for Endocannabinoid System, a key factor in delivering the desired therapeutic effects to whatever pains they are feeling.

Relief can be given for those dogs that experience joint pain or osteoarthritis, muscle aches, wounds, and swollen, red areas. The product works as an anti-inflammatory; it is present in your peripheral system to tackle the site of pain immediately. Another role it plays is a message blocker. In the brain, it will block messages between there and pain receptors, thus successfully numbing the sensation of pain. Lastly, it acts as an anti-cytokine, a type of protein that is present in an inflamed site and worsen it in complicated cases.

2. My Dog Is Feeling Restless/Jittery/Being Inexplicably Hostile

As pet owners, we have a sixth sense on knowing if our dogs are feeling unwell or not. But even without that, there can be overt signs to show your canine is experiencing stress and anxiety.

Physically, your dog might be tense, always on-guard, and opt to hide their large (or small) bodies in tight spaces or under the bed. Emotionally, they’d be chaotic, ranging from howling loudly to growling at you whenever you offer physical comfort. Other symptoms include whining, listlessness, and an unaffectionate behavior. With Cannabidiol working on the amygdala, anxiety will diminish quite instantly and would leave your dog drowsy or sleeping after a tense episode.

3. My Dog Is Experiencing A Seizure

Lately, a CBD-derived product became available for purchase in pharmacies. It’s called Epidiolex, and it can be prescribed by a doctor for those suffering from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome in patients two years old and below. It was a great breakthrough for the compound as well as the product.

As it turns out, it can also help your dog lessen seizure activity. A study found here: https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-05/new-study-cbd-shows-promise-for-treating-canine-epilepsy/ has discovered cannabidiol can prevent seizure attacks for as much as 50%. Also, this product does not cause dependence and addiction, or even overdose.

The Bottom Line

Cannabidiol is still a work in progress, with its popularity skyrocketing even before its scientific studies can back it up. Despite this, many users and pet owners believe in the power of this compound. Though it should be duly noted that only products distributed by reputable companies can ensure its potent effect.

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