Twelve Tips for Making New Friends

Meeting new people is more challenging for some people. You may get nervous about starting a conversation or wonder where to find friends outside of your daily routine. If you’re looking to cultivate personal relationships, check out these tips for making new friends that anyone can use to create a social circle.

1. Open Your Heart

Connecting with someone requires opening your heart and becoming vulnerable. You won’t make those essential connections with people if you’re holding back your true self. It can be scary to think about, but it’s a risk worth taking.

Keep your mind open to this vulnerability, and you’ll find yourself getting along with people even if they’re different than your other friends. You can always head home to spend time by yourself and recharge your social batteries after opening your heart to a new companion.

2. Join a Club

You might picture grade school or college organizations for young people when you think of a club. They also exist for adults who aren’t in school, so think about your hobbies. There are always local groups for people who love to do things like reading, knitting, gardening, drawing and other commonly shared activities. A quick internet search will reveal different ones based on your interests.

3. Add Volunteering to Your Schedule

Finding people who care about the same issues as you is one of the best ways to make new friends. You’ll share core values that stand the test of time, so meet people at volunteer events. Consider how you want to put your skills to use and if your community has any pressing needs. You’ll find people ready to help who will likely form friendships over your shared experience and passions.

4. Find an Accountability Partner

Friendships also form when people bond over goals. Anyone recovering from addiction can find an accountability partner to share and strengthen their recovery journey. This type of friendship will provide solace, motivation and encouragement when you’re experiencing something other friends may not understand. You’ll make this type of connection through support groups, either in person or online.

5. Take Your Dog Out

Pet parents have a unique opportunity to meet friends at the dog park. Grab a Frisbee or tennis ball and head to a local park this weekend. You’ll find other dog owners and have an instant ice breaker subject to talk about. It’s a stress-free way to create bonds without struggling to find something to discuss or a shared interest.

6. Remember to Stay in Touch

Once you meet someone new and want them to stay in your life, remember to stay in touch. Communication works both ways. If they give you their number or connect with you on social media, they shouldn’t be the only person in the relationship to reach out with a quick text or direct message. Anyone who struggles with maintaining friendships can set up reminder notifications once a day to stay in touch and avoid accidental lapses in communication.

7. Get Involved With School Groups

College students and parents with grade school kids can get involved with school groups to meet friends. Parent-teacher associations and clubs will expand your social circle right away. You’ll also gain long-term connections because the school that’s the center of your daily routine is also a significant part of your friends’ lives.

8. Practice Your Listening Skills

Relationships fall apart when people don’t listen to each other and hear what the other person is saying. Practice your listening skills with family members or loved ones while you’re making new friends. Empathizing and never interrupting are significant steps you can take to strengthen any new friendships and make them last a lifetime.

9. Say Yes to Hanging Out

Social anxiety might make it challenging for you to agree to activities with friends. Unless there’s a legitimate reason to stay home by yourself, push yourself out of your comfort zone by saying yes to invitations more often. Even if you only agree to a quick phone call or video chat, you’ll become more comfortable in social situations by practicing saying yes to your friends.

10. Make a New Profile

Sometimes people feel uncomfortable making new friends because they lack self-confidence. You can meet friends even if you don’t want to put yourself out there by creating a new profile on a social media site. A blog or other account that doesn’t have your full name or photo may give you the confidence to chat with others based on your shared interests. You can choose to open up at your own pace as you get to know them.

11. Take the Initiative

No one forms friendships if they wait for people to approach them first. You’ll have to take the initiative to start conversations or create opportunities to get to know others. Ask a co-worker to join you for lunch sometime or make a spontaneous phone call to someone you miss. If they value your relationship or want to develop your friendship, they’ll respond positively because you show how much you care.

12. Avoid Creating a Timeline

Healthy friendships take time. Friends that start with love bombing and intense connections usually burn out because it’s not a manageable emotional state for either person involved. Avoid pressuring yourself to reach certain relationship milestones on a deadline as you meet potential friends.

You won’t have a best friend after hanging out a few times. People need time and shared experiences to foster lifelong relationships. As long as you enjoy chatting with someone and feel valued without overextending yourself, your bond will last the test of time.

Making New Friends Is Easy

Now that you’ve read these tips for making new friends, start meeting people this week. Whether you eat lunch with a new co-worker or strike up a conversation with a stranger at a volunteer event, you’ll connect with others who have shared interests or life experiences. It’s all you need to spark fantastic friendships that can last a lifetime.

The Next Generation of Plant-Based Is Here

By: Abbot’s Butcher

Whether you call it plant-based or vegan, the trend of not eating animals has radically evolved over the decades. From the granola-crunching hippies of the nineties who got hooked on Diet for a New America to the angry vegans of the 2000s flaunting “I’m Not a Nugget” tees, the plant-based lifestyle hasn’t always been the cool thing to do. But just like Britney, plant-based is back, and it’s got massive public and celebrity support. Why? Simply put, vegan food is better. It’s better for the environment, definitely better for the animals, and arguably better for your health. And these days, it actually tastes better thanks to the culinary innovation of plant-based entrepreneurs. One of these companies is forging a new trend in the industry—beyond the Impossible and Beyond products commandeering seemingly every fast-food chain and independent brewery menu. Abbot’s Butcher is the next generation of plant-based meat, and here’s why you should get on board. 

We really need to eat more sustainably

Most people don’t think about suffocating greenhouse gases, manure pollution, or the massive land requirements for raising livestock when they bite into a spicy birria taco. It’s a bit of a killjoy to connect the dots between what we eat and the impact it has on our environment, but the reality is, it really does. An Oxford University study cites that eating vegan is the single most impactful way an individual can reduce their environmental impact. So yes, your seemingly insignificant decision to have sausage on your pizza or grilled chicken on your salad does add up. 

How? Over fourteen percent of the global total greenhouse gas emissions come from animal agriculture. In the US, 25 percent of the nation’s total agricultural emissions come from enteric fermentation—aka cow burps and farts. Speaking of, the nearly 94 million cows in the US create a ton of waste—literally. The waste from a 2,500 herd of cattle is equivalent to the waste of a city the size of Minneapolis. And all that waste sits in what the industry calls manure lagoons—giant vats of open excrement so uncontrollable that the USDA grants a limited amount of seepage into the surrounding earth and waterways. 

Sorry if this ruined your taco experience. The good news: plant-based meat sidesteps the massive contributions to greenhouse gases and the repulsive manure lagoons. And Abbot’s Butcher makes Ground “Beef,” “Chorizo,” and Chopped Chick’n, so you can still enjoy that taco or meaty salad. Win. 

Is plant-based meat healthier?

The short answer is yes—no matter what brand you’re eating, plant-based meat is free of harmful cholesterol, natural and artificial hormones, and cancer-causing inflammatory compounds (remember, red and processed meats are considered Group 2A and Group 1 carcinogens—yikes). Beyond these basic health attributes, there’s a massive range in health benefits (or detriments) across the variety of brands. 

The first iterations of plant-based meats—like Gardein and Lightlife—were largely soy and wheat-based. We’re not bashing soy, but more so the use of soy protein isolate. It’s essentially soy that’s been chemically treated to isolate the protein of soybeans. Plus, because over 90 percent of the soy grown in the US is genetically modified, you’re likely eating soy that’s been chemically treated and grown with pesticides. That’s just not something we like to think about when chomping down on a vegan chicken nugget. 

After 2010, the second wave of plant-based meat emerged. Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods swept up loyal fans by collaborating with fast-food chains, celebrity chefs, professional athletes, and full-on celebrities. The addictive Impossible Whopper and surprisingly spot-on Beyond Orange Chicken at Panda Express redefined what plant-based could be, but then we looked at the ingredients. Canola oil, natural flavors, methylcellulose—what even is that? It’s a laxative, but some companies are now listing it a “plant fiber” to not scare consumers. The second wave of vegan meat may taste great, but it’s at the expense of engineered ingredients with questionable health consequences. 

Abbot’s Butcher is the next generation of plant-based meat, bridging the gap between taste and nutrition. It’s free from soy, gluten, natural and artificial flavors, and multi-syllable ingredients. And so far, it’s the only one that can make these claims. The brand uses thoughtfully sourced pea protein to build 15-18 grams of protein in each of its foods. The rest is a mix of spices, vegetables, and extra virgin olive oil—that’s it. Abbot’s Butcher’s Ground “Beef,” “Chorizo,” and Chick’n are made with clean, Non-GMO Project Verified ingredients, meaning you won’t regret your dinner the morning after (raise your hand if you’ve had stomach issues after eating a Beyond or Impossible Burger. Yep, been there). 

Plant-based meat finally tastes good

Adjusting our lifestyle to benefit the environment and our health hasn’t always been easy or convenient. If you want to eat whole, plant-based foods, there’s a lot of cooking and meal prep involved, and we’re not all for that. The second generation of plant-based meat ushered in convenience and improved the taste and texture of its vegan predecessors, but it sacrificed quality ingredients to do so. The reality is, few are willing to give up the foods they love for the sake of their health or the environment. Tacos are just too good. The solution? Make better plant-based meat. And Abbot’s Butcher has done just that. The texture is spot-on, and the flavor is so satisfying. When you can eat the “Chorizo” by the spoonful, you’ve picked a winner. 

The future of food is definitely trending plant-based, but it’s no longer enough to just make a burger or nugget that tastes good. It has to make you feel good, too, and Abbot’s Butcher is doing just that. 

Find Abbot’s Butcher at a retailer or restaurant near you. 

Plant-based recipes inside of 360 MAGAZINE.


A pioneer in the international unity between fashion and sustainability, Jesscia Minh Anh, elevates the new LNG-powered cruise ship, Costa Toscana, into a fully immersive ocean catwalk in Portofino, Italy. The J Spring Fashion Show 2022 will take place amongst the Italian Riviera, articulating the significance of Fashion x Sustainability in the world. The announcement of Jessica’s inimitable fashion show will not only alter the world of fashion and design, but the travel industry as well.

Catch a sneak peek of the out-of-this-world catwalk HERE.

Jessica’s catwalks always serve a deeper purpose than just marketing a new collection; the shows serve as advocation for global transformation. Each production is cleverly debuted at iconic international venues. Every runway has an underlying cause in support, like her J Summer Fashion Show, One World Trade Center. The event signified the newfound power and strength of America that was symbolized in the construction of the One World Trade Center. The event was held at the center 6 months before it formally opened.

The J Spring Fashion Show 2022 serves as Jessica’s return to the catwalk after her last show, “Runway on the Runway,” that occurred preceding the onset of the pandemic. The show took place at JFK International Airport in New York City, where inspiration came from Jessica’s mission to durability in the global supply chain.

Jessica is notorious for hosting compelling shows at world-renowned venues like the Eiffel Tower, London’s Tower Bridge, Grand Canyon Skywalk, Hoover Dam and Gemasolar Power Plant. An innovative leader behind the push for more durable fashion, Jessica also attended the Paris Agreement celebration campaign in conjunction with leading international bodies such as the Mayor of Paris, Canadian Minister and Japanese astronaut.

Watch the newly released Official Campaign Video featuring high fashion on the world’s newest Liquefied Natural Gas cruise ship in Italy HERE

“This particular moment in history provides an opportunity for a sustainable “restart” of our society. Costa Toscana aligns perfectly with my mission of highlighting sustainability in a visually attractive way. It represents a breakthrough in the travel industry”, said Jessica.

Jessica Minh Anh Costa Toscana photo via Helen Smith JMA Global for use by 360 MAGAZINE

Jessica Minh Anh Costa Toscana photo via Helen Smith JMA Global for use by 360 MAGAZINE

Jessica Minh Anh Costa Toscana photo via Helen Smith JMA Global for use by 360 MAGAZINE

Jessica Minh Anh Costa Toscana photo via Helen Smith JMA Global for use by 360 MAGAZINE

Seven Tips to Help Yourself Unplug Before Bedtime

Modern society is becoming increasingly reliant on technological devices. While many of the technological advancements of the last decade or so have arguably changed life for the better for many, new technology also presents a host of new issues.

Screen addiction, constant notifications that can cause anxiety, and the way social media can make us feel insecure and isolated even though it’s supposed to connect us are just a few of the downsides of technology that we have started to notice over time, and that we have to be aware of. These factors don’t mean we shouldn’t engage with new technologies, but instead that we just have to be a lot more mindful of how we engage with them. 

One area where many people would benefit from being more mindful about technology is before bedtime. You likely know the benefits of unplugging before bedtime, but powering down our devices and detaching from the stress of the day can be easier said than done. It can be a challenge to calm racing thoughts or stop planning how you’ll tackle your upcoming stressful day. 

Thankfully, several research-backed methods help you slow down and prepare for sleep. Here are seven ways to calm your mind and get better rest. 

  1. Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Aim to get ready for bed at the same time every night. Wind down from a stressful day by taking a warm shower. Consider listening to soothing music while applying essential oils to pressure points and moving through simple yoga poses to further your relaxation. Next, move into bed and read a book until you start to drift to sleep. Try to go to bed and wake at the same time every day, even on the weekends.

Consider these additional factors when making your room the perfect environment for rest. Ensure your bedroom temperature isn’t too hot or cold — the ideal temperature for sleep is between 66 and 70 F. Get blackout curtains or eyeshades to keep the sunshine out of your room. Try a white noise machine or fan to limit noises in your home that interrupt your rest.  

  1. Turn Off Your Phone

One of the best ways to help you prepare for rest is to turn off your phone. The high-energy blue light in digital screens can cause interruptions to your sleep patterns and suppress melatonin secretion. You could find it more difficult to unwind or rest if you use a blue light device too close to bedtime. However, 71% of Americans report using their phones until they fall asleep. 

Studies recommend avoiding blue light two to three hours before bedtime to keep your circadian rhythms in sync. Consider blue light suppressing glasses if you need to use a device to work. You can also apply an app on your phone or tablet to filter out damaging blue light. However, the best practice is to sleep with your phone charging outside your room.  

  1. Use Meditation Techniques

If you find your head spinning with thoughts as you lay in bed, you might soon begin glancing at your watch as your anxiety starts to rise. You can stop those thoughts in their tracks with helpful mindfulness and breathing techniques.

  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Use this mindfulness technique to activate each area of your body and eliminate the stress you’re carrying. You’ll progressively tense and relax each muscle group, relaxing into sweet slumber.
  • 4-7-8 breathing technique: To practice this breathing activity, inhale for four counts. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Then, exhale through your nose for eight counts. Repeat this technique to steady your breathing and lull you into deep relaxation. 
  • Yogic breathing: The practice of pranayama or yogic breathing has been proven to slow one’s breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. Practicing it for five minutes can prepare you for sleep.     
  1. Exercise More

Consider adding exercise into your daily routine. Whether you bike, run or walk, research suggests there’s a positive relationship between exercise and sleep. You’ll find it easier to unwind and fall asleep the more regularly you work out. However, because physical activity is stimulating, it’s best to exercise earlier in the day and at least three hours before bedtime.    

  1. Make a List 

If you find you have a lot on your mind and are having difficulty shifting your thoughts from the stresses of tomorrow, consider making a list to organize the coming day. Write down all the things you’ll need to accomplish, outlining the necessary tasks at work and home. A study conducted in 2018 found participants who created to-do lists for their upcoming days fell asleep faster than those who didn’t. 

  1. Disconnect From Work

Make an effort to create boundaries between you and your job. Do not check your work email in the evening or only do so once for half an hour after dinner. Put this plan into effect by turning off your notifications when you get home and resisting the urge to check them. Consider turning your phone off and putting it away if you think you’ll be tempted to do it. Remember, the boundaries are to help you unplug and unwind. 

  1. Limit Social Media

Another great way to feel more relaxed and ready for bed is to limit your social media use. The easiest way to restrict it is to turn your phone off an hour before bed. This might not be an option if you use your cellphone for other purposes like an e-reader or a white noise machine. 

Try scheduling your social media time to an hour a day. That way, you don’t waste time mindlessly scrolling. Another great option is to limit your platforms to a couple of sites rather than all of them. You’ll be happy you don’t have to keep up with all the notifications. 

Follow These Steps to Detach

Following these tips will give you the best opportunity to get quality rest. Utilize mindfulness and breathing techniques to relax and unwind if you find it challenging to unplug. You’ll be entering dreamland in no time.

Ten Tips for College Students to Take Care of Their Health This Semester

Taking care of yourself in college is challenging. Students balance the pressures of school, work, and a social life, all while trying to make decisions about their future careers. With all of these pressures, it’s no wonder that poor mental health and burnout are common. 

However, students can fight burnout and protect their health by developing a set of simple, healthy habits. Here are 10 ways that college students can take care of their health this semester. 

  1. Plan to Sleep

American culture vastly underestimates the importance of sleep and its impact on productivity. Without proper rest, your body and brain will start to have trouble functioning. Although every person is different, the human body is wired to work on a cycle where sleep is very important to wakefulness. 

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you’re serious about getting enough sleep, make sure you create a bedtime routine that allows you to turn the lights off when you actually need to. There is always something else to do, but you won’t have the energy you need for tomorrow without a good night’s rest. 

  1. Move Your Body

By the time they reach college, the typical American student is used to sitting still for long periods of time each day. However, the human body does not respond well to long periods of inactivity – it was made to move. One of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health is to get active. 

Sign up for a group exercise class or workout with YouTube in your dorm. Even doing jumping jacks or push-ups for five minutes can help you get your blood moving and refocus on your homework. Two of the most basic needs your body has are movement and rest, and meeting these needs will make it much easier for you to reduce stress and stay healthy.  

  1. Watch Out for SAD

During the spring semester, more students are likely to experience symptoms of depression. There’s less sunshine, students aren’t spending much time outside, and they’re already tired and stressed from the fall semester. During these darker months, it’s especially important to care for your mental health. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) describes the way winter conditions can cause seasonal symptoms of depression. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to combat these feelings. Taking vitamin D, investing in a sunlight therapy lamp, and exercising may all help to reduce symptoms so you can finish the semester strong. 

  1. Outsmart Stress

Before “stress” was used to describe feelings of anxiety, it meant to put pressure on something. Constant stress puts pressure on your mind and body, weakening your immune system and making you feel sick. It’s important to find ways to reduce stress in your daily life to keep yourself healthy. 

Start by identifying what causes you stress. For college students, stressors could include getting poor grades, uncertainty over the future, low finances, and relationship challenges. Confronting the issues that are causing you anxiety can help. For instance, talking through an ongoing conflict with a friend or making a financial plan for the semester can reduce your levels of daily stress. 

  1. Eat Whole Foods

Every article out there about health for college students mentions eating well. While it may get repetitive, consuming whole foods and drinking plenty of water are two of the best ways to invest in your health this semester. The typical American diet – full of processed carbs and sugar – is a disaster waiting to happen for your health. 

Proper nutrition improves sleep, memory, focus, and your ability to respond well to stress. The food you eat is the fuel you’re giving your body to run on. Especially in college, you need this fuel to be top-notch. Although you shouldn’t rely on too much caffeine for energy, coffee in moderation can be a good source of antioxidants

  1. Build Friendships

Prolonged isolation is incredibly damaging to your physical and mental health. People need connection, so taking the time to build friendships is an investment in your health. Time spent with friends can help you unwind from school and refocus on what matters most in your life. 

College is an ideal time to build friendships and connect deeply with others. You are surrounded by people your age who are facing the same challenges you are. Students can support each other during this phase of life by promoting healthy habits and offering emotional support. 

  1. Work Through Your Thoughts

Taking care of yourself physically will go far toward supporting your health. However, many students are carrying such a large load of stress and anxiety that these foundational steps may not be enough. If you are practicing self-care but find that you’re still overwhelmed, it may be time to focus more closely on your mind and emotions. 

Studies have shown that people who journal are better able to process their thoughts and find peace in challenging situations. Meditating on healthy ideas can also help you keep worry at bay. You should never feel embarrassed about talking to a certified counselor or therapist – this is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. 

  1. Enjoy Fun Hobbies

Hobbies are another way to take care of your health this semester. A hobby can be something as simple as baking every Friday night or something as complicated as running a YouTube channel on the side. The important thing is that you find an activity outside of school that brings you joy. 

After you leave college, hobbies are a part of your daily routine that you can take with you. They can make the transition from school to adult life easier, and they offer stress relief. Hobbies improve productivity and may even give you insight into your future career path. Although they may feel like a guilty pleasure, they are well worth your time. 

  1. Focus on Giving

Looking outside yourself and giving to others can also increase your mental and physical wellbeing. Volunteering and donating to worthy causes are two ways you can incorporate giving into your weekly schedule. However, there are many meaningful ways you can support the people around you each day. 

Calling your parents, sending a stressed friend a card, and driving another student to the grocery store are all ways to give back. Even smiling has been shown to have powerful health benefits. Practicing kindness can raise your spirits if you feel low and encourage those around you.  

  1. Celebrate Everyday Moments

Because it can be hard to slow down during college, one strategy is to make the most of small moments. For instance, you can take time to notice nature and the weather while you’re walking between classes. You can also plan small moments of enjoyment throughout the day, like stretching for ten minutes in the morning or drinking tea while the sun goes down. 

Celebrating the everyday is sometimes called “romanticizing your life.” This is based on the idea that you’ll find what you’re looking for – whether that’s more stress or a moment of peace. College students in particular can benefit from taking deliberate moments to slow down and remember to enjoy their day. 

Health Is a Priority

Caring for your health is important, especially for students who are experiencing high levels of stress at college. Investing in your health will keep you focused, emotionally stable, and ready for whatever curveballs college life throws at you. 

Follow these 10 tips to stay healthy and make the most of your college years. Feeling good is worth the extra effort, and every step you take matters. You’ve got this!

Daniel Craig Departs Bond Franchise

By: Skyler Johnson

Daniel Craig, the most recent Bond, is by far one of the most successful and most beloved. Compared to the other iterations of the iconic character, his films have ranked highly amongst others in the franchise. Starting with his performance in Casino Royale, a soft reboot of the Bond films, in 2006, he retained his position as the 21st century Bond through the most recent film No Time to Die in 2021.

His departure was a major upset to fans, who were large supporters of the actor since Casino Royale (2006), which was heavily praised partially due to Craig’s performance. While his casting was initially controversial and even ridiculed, Craig was known for his different take on Bond, adding depth and emotionality to the character. This was cemented in the original movie of his time in the role, which included the now iconic storyline of Vesper Lynd, who was continually referenced throughout the series.

From then, Daniel Craig’s Bond went through several changes, including Skyfall, which was a massive success, skyrocketing the career of director Sam Mendes and bringing Craig back into the spotlight. Skyfall is considered by many to be one of the best Bond pictures of all time and is widely beloved by fans. In all, Craig acted in 5 Bond films across 15 years, cementing James Bond as a 21st century figure.

However, Craig wanted a change. He did not want to permanently be Bond, and the character was starting to become his entire identity. A plight common for other actors who have taken on the role such as Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore, Craig sought to expand his identity. While hosting SNL in 2020, portrayed the character several times, including in the opening monologue though he does have a talent to portray comedic roles, as shown with 2019’s Knives Out.

Critically acclaimed Knives Out became a breakthrough role for Craig. Already a fixture in the public eye, Knives Out allowed Craig to show a completely different side to himself as an actor as the comedic Southern detective Benoit Blanc. The film received an Oscar nomination, three Golden Globes nominations, with adulation for Craig’s campy portrayal of a private eye.

With his creative talents turned in other directions, No Time to Die became the last Bond feature he worked on. Thankfully, it was a great way to finish. Directed by Cary Joji Fukanaga (True Detective season 1), this movie was highly enjoyed by fans for the excellent fight sequences, writing, and of course performances. Craig, as always, was incredible, both heart-wrenching and hilarious, and able to keep the audience’s attention throughout the entire 2 hours and 44-minute screen time.

The ending (no spoilers) served both as a deserving resolution for the character and a display of the talents of Daniel Craig. It was beautiful, emotional, and justified for one of the most revered Bonds. It served as an excellent ending to the modern era of Bond films. Only time will tell where Bond will go next.

Where Craig will go next, is a little more solidified than the iconic spy’s future. After 2019’s Knives Out, it’s clear the actor still has a lot to give to the world, possibly with more comedic roles like with Benoit Blanc. With Netflix paying $450 million for two sequels in the franchise, Craig may be at the center of a new film dynasty. Filming for Knives Out 2 wrapped in fall 2021 and much like the original film features a star-studded cast with the likes of Dave Bautista, Janelle Monáe, Ethan Hawke, Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, and more.

While Craig’s tenure as Bond is over, his performances cemented him in the history of the famed franchise, ensuring his legacy as a beloved version of the spy. Who knows what his next performances will offer? One thing is certain: his fans and the world will be watching.

Nursing Home Staff Shortages

Amidst the perseverance of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry has taken a massive blow. There are intense staffing shortages in the field, and the public is suffering from these scarcities. The Washington Post gave a detailed report on these worsening staff deficiencies, more specifically in long term care facilities.

Nursing homes tend to lessen the stress on hospitals as recovered patients typically move there after being released. Without proper staffing, though, facilities have not been able to take in patients from hospitals. A specific example of this misfortune stems from the Terrace View nursing home in Buffalo, New York. The home is currently not running at full capacity, and there are up to 22 beds not being used due to lack of staff.

The Washington Post article elaborates on this disaster, highlighting another facility affected. “That means some fully recovered patients in the adjacent Erie County Medical Center must stay in their hospital rooms, waiting for a bed in the nursing home. Which means some patients in the emergency department, who should be admitted to the hospital, must stay there until a hospital bed opens up. The emergency department becomes stretched so thin that 10 to 20 percent of arrivals leave without seeing a caregiver — after an average wait of six to eight hours, according to the hospital’s data.”

Many long-term care facilities across the country are facing these same troubles. The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) found 58% of nursing homes are cutting down on arrivals, again, because of the shortage of staff members.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that 425,000 long term care workers left the industry since February 2020. Though other industries have seen economic growth since the onset of the pandemic, nursing homes have not had the same luck. “Remarkably, despite the horrific incidents of death and illness in nursing homes at the outset of the pandemic, more staff departures have come during the economic recovery. As restaurants and shops reopened and hiring set records, nursing homes continued to bleed workers, even as residents returned.”

These troubles are heightened in more rural areas. The article, too, depicts the story of Diakonos Group in Medford, Oklahoma, that had to shut down since there was simply not enough staff. The facility provided care for patients with mental health needs, but after the pandemic started, they found that their staff had endured too much. Diakonos Group CEO Scott Pilgrim explained that although the business offered a raise in hourly wages, bonuses and overtime, employees continued to leave, and they could not withstand these absences.

AHCA/NCAL urges lawmakers to work with the long term care division of healthcare to fix this staffing crisis and devote resources to employ caregivers. As hospitals continue to be directly affected by this catastrophe, change must be made as soon as possible. AHCA/NCAL encourages Congress to take action and ease these tensions placed on both hospitals and long term care facilities.

CBD Gif by Reb Czukoski for use by 360 Magazine

What Are the Top Treatment Options for Anxiety? 

Are you someone who struggles with anxiety? If so, you are not alone. There are lots of people who struggle to deal with anxiety, and there are plenty of treatment options available. If you struggle with anxiety, one of the first things you need to remember is that you need to talk to a mental health professional. A mental health professional can take a look at your specific type of anxiety and customize a treatment option to meet your needs. Fortunately, there are lots of ways you can manage your anxiety. What are some of the key points you need to keep in mind if you are looking for anxiety treatment?

Therapy Is the Cornerstone of Treatment

First, understand that therapy is the cornerstone treatment option when it comes to anxiety. Therapy is important because it can help you understand why you suffer from anxiety. If you can get to the root cause of your issues, you might be able to develop a treatment plan to address them. If you are having trouble finding a therapist to help you manage anxiety, you should reach out to your primary care doctor. He or she might be able to provide you with a referral to a therapist in the area. The hardest thing about therapy is taking that first step. Once you get in a rhythm, therapy can dramatically help you improve your ability to manage anxiety.

Understand Abortive vs. Preventative Medication

Next, you must understand the difference between abortive and preventative medications. Both of these medications can be helpful in managing anxiety. As the name suggests, abortive medication can help you abort an acute panic attack. Some of the most common symptoms of a panic attack include rapid breathing, a high heart rate, sweating, and an impending feeling of doom. If you are developing a panic attack, short-term benzodiazepines might help you stop this in its tracks. Your doctor may prescribe you a short-term benzodiazepine in the event of a panic attack; however, you do not necessarily have to use them. A lot of people feel better just knowing they’re there.

On the other hand, you may need to take preventative medication as well. These medications are designed to prevent you from developing a panic attack. These are medications you may need to take every day. Many of these are long-term benzodiazepines; however, if you do not want to take this class of medication, there are other options available. What you need to do is talk to your mental health professional about options that can help you prevent panic attacks from taking place.

Build a Strong Support System

Furthermore, you need to build a strong support system. One of the biggest reasons why people develop anxiety is that they feel like they have to face their problems on their own. You need to find ways to build strong relationships with your family members and friends. That way, if you are feeling stressed, you have someone you can talk to. If you feel like you don’t have to face everything on your own, you might have an easier time managing symptoms of anxiety. It can be difficult to build a strong support system because you have to open up to others about your internal feelings. Therapy can help you overcome this challenge.

Give CBD a Try

Finally, you might want to consider getting CBD a try. CBD stands for cannabidiol, and a lot of people use it to manage mental health issues. It can also be helpful for managing anxiety. If you are interested in giving CBD a try, you may want to take a look at Weedmaps to learn more about some of the dispensaries in the area. Then, you can talk to a professional at one of the dispensaries and find a CBD product that might work well for you. Before you try CBD for the first time, you should keep your therapist in the loop. Let your mental health professional know that you are thinking about trying CBD for anxiety.

Find a Way To Treat Anxiety

In the end, there are lots of people who suffer from anxiety. Therefore, if you are dealing with anxiety, there are lots of people who can relate to what you are going through. Furthermore, there are mental health professionals who can help you manage anxiety. It is important for you to talk to others because you can build the skills you need to cope with symptoms of anxiety. That way, you may be able to leave prescription medications in the rearview mirror. Finally, there are other treatment options as well. For example, you may want to try CBD. There might be some local dispensaries in the area, so consider trying CBD to help you manage anxiety. This can help you improve your quality of life.

Higher Reality

From our ancient Mother, we have stories of victory that give us light. We, as Higher Beings, grow as plants and trees to provide shade that we will never sit in. Today, Adversity comes from those with no roots who hate plants. They want to extinguish our sacred flame. Power from Profit, they are poisoning our souls one individual at a time. Individual liberty and equality are a memory?

I am one voice. I am a self-taught artist who has overcome autism and a decade of rape with Cannabis. Her manifestation within my mind and blood has given me peace. Freedom is within all of us. We just need to listen to the Voice of our Ancestor. Healing and loving kindness are just breath away. Using what grows from Mother Earth has given me a Spark of Determination to ignite and grow into a flame of passion. We must let our fire burn in the oven. Fire is universal. Fire stirs the essence of human artistry; it is the spark of the will to a higher frequency. That frequency is Love. Fire creates light and is not appreciated in our modern plastic society. Most humans are asleep and have lost interaction with real Fire.

Every human being is an individual, and every individual is a world like no other. We must become aware. Consciousness is awareness. We must make the subconscious conscious. Do you think Mother Earth is happy today? Is She proud of all the innocent blood seeping into her soil? Mother Earth is just, but Her actions can be terrible for those who violate Her. Why must we ask permission for freedom in this realm?

If cannabis plants could talk, we would arrest them! Exterminate them! I do not fear the system and its invented drug laws, because I defend Mother Nature. You can’t manipulate Love and Harmony. This war on people has gone on long enough. There is no liberty if the people have no voice. There is no justice where there is no truth. We need to stop putting people into boxes and view life as a unified whole. Don’t let the Oppressor be your Master. Face the light and know the Highest Consciousness of the cosmos is Love. Only truth awakens the morning of peace, and no law is higher than truth. There must be reparations for everyone who has lost freedom because of what grows beautifully from soil. We are a warm Light in this world and changing the world is NOW!

My art is growing marvelously like new buds on a healthy plant. I have always attempted what is out of the ordinary and have achieved the wonderful impossible. I have used all aspects of trauma to awaken the Divinity within my blood and devise my own style of art. I am a cosmic force, and my art is a tender plant being watered every day. Art is magic, and magic allows us to see what is hidden from our physical world. My spiritual roots are extremely strong and no plant lives without them.

History is within us; we just have to Remember. Our primal mother’s blood flows in our veins as we experiment meticulously with experience. There are so many people that need help, and every day is a chance to let our 420 Light shine! The energy within my vessel has passed through many transformations and stages of Alchemy to make me the electric individual I am today. Within my blood stirs centuries of fire! Out of the ashes the Phoenix will spread its wings and fly. Freedom is our battle cry!

We must not fear those who aim guns at plants because we are more powerful than they are. The wise ears of Mary Jane’s children seek truth. With patented grown food we are killing our youth. Humans eat and kill beings greater than themselves… And the kids still are not getting an appropriate number of vitamins and nutrients. The children are now the size of the cow. Maybe that’s bloody Karma? We are a Higher Frequency in a realm of polluted air that we must breathe every day. Resistance is part of this evolution. Oxygen is a wonderful gift from plants, that when within our vessels transforms into energy. Energy is Eternal. Plants are green energy. Plants Heal. We have a choice. I am screaming Can you hear my voice? One day your earth walk will end. Don’t let your fire die!

Absent Father Illustration by Reb Czukoski for use by 360 Magazine

Five Ways Kids Hurt When Dad’s Not Around

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, around 22 million children have a parent who does not live in the household. That equals 26.5% of all children. Most often, it’s the father who is absent from the home, and may even be absent from the child’s life. People underestimate the impact that not having Dad around has on the well-being of children, and ultimately on society as a whole.

“More than any other project or cause that society needs to work on, we must work with passion and urgency to eliminate the systemic barriers to single-father involvement in the lives of our children,” said Dr. Joel N. Myers, founder of Dads’ Resource Center. “We must make the time to educate our neighbors about the overwhelming evidence – backed up by thousands of years of anecdotal evidence and numerous studies over recent decades that shows children develop much better when both of their parents are actively involved in their lives.”

Dr. Myers is on a mission to help shed light on the fact that there is a serious problem when it comes to child custody. The default of most courts is to simply give primary custody of the child to the mother, leaving the father pushed to the side and receiving very little time with his children. They often go from being a large part of the child’s life to seeing them on a limited basis as the court allows.

Children who do not get much involvement with their father are impacted in numerous ways, including in these five:

1. Being less physically healthy. Fewer children who are raised in nuclear families are considered to be in poor health. Research published in The Linacre Quarterly showed that 12% of children raised in a nuclear family were considered in poor health, compared to 22% of children of a single parent.

2. Having less social-emotional development. Research published in the Annual Review of Sociology finds that there is strong evidence that father absence negatively impacts a child’s social-emotional development.

3. Having less of a relationship with extended family. Divorce tends to lead to children having less of a relationship with the extended family of the noncustodial parent (i.e., grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins). The child also loses many family traditions and celebrations.

4. Experiencing more financial instability. According to research published in the journal The Linacre Quarterly, custodial mothers lose up to 50% of their household income and are more likely to receive public assistance. The median income of divorced mothers is only 47% of married-couple households. Children living with just their mother are more likely to be in poverty.

5. Learning how to be a father. Children who grow up with an absent father tend to repeat the pattern, according to research published in the journal Parenting Science and Practice. The quality of the relationship and involvement a child has with their father tends to be passed down across generations.

“Mothers and fathers give different but equally important things to their children,” added Jeff Steiner, executive director of the Dads’ Resource Center. “Children need both their parents to be fully engaged as they are growing up to have the best chance of being successful in life. But, far too often the system unnecessarily prevents fathers from being able to do so.”

Dads’ Resource Center issued a report on the impact of dads not being involved in their children’s lives. The report, titled DRC NLSY97 Analysis Executive Summary, warned that children who do not grow up with their father in their household:

  • Are less likely to graduate from high school or graduate from college.
  • Are less likely to vote, donate to a charity or volunteer their time.
  • Are more likely to have been convicted of a crime, use hard drugs, and smoke.
  • Are more likely to have intercourse before the age of 17and to need mental health treatment.
  • Make less money per year as an adult and more much likely to use government welfare programs.

Dads’ Resource Center was started by Dr. Myers, a father of eight and the founder and CEO of AccuWeather. The mission is to help combat the issues associated with children growing up without their fathers in the home. At its heart, the center is a child advocacy organization that aims to ensure that each child has the appropriate involvement and contributions from both parents.

Dads’ Resource Center has been established to benefit children of separated or divorced parents by advocating the importance of fathers having adequate opportunities to fulfill their role of fatherhood. The group helps get information regarding the issues out to the public and works with fathers to help make improvements.