APY Lands LA


Invitation Only
Opening Reception May 4, 4-6pm
2685 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Exhibition May 3 – May 30, 2019

Olsen Gruin Gallery and the Australian Consulate-General Los Angeles are pleased to invite you to the opening of

APY LANDS LA: Central Desert Painters of Australia

An Exhibition of Indigenous Australian Art featuring paintings by 18 female and 3 male artists including Yaritji Young, Wawiriya Burton, Alec Baker, Mona Mitakiki Shepherd, Tjimpayi Presley, Betty Muffler, Naomi Kantjuriny, Maringka Tunkin, Freda Brady, Sandra Ken, Tjungkara Ken, Sylvia Kanytjupai Ken, Ken Sisters’ Collaborative, Tuppy Goodwin, Imitjala Curley, Witjiti George, Michelle Lewis, Mitakiki Men’s Collaborative, Taylor Cooper, Matjanka Norris, Manyitjanu Lennon, Yurpiya Lionel and Barbara Moore.


The curated show will exhibit contemporary works by a group of primarily female Aboriginal artists from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (Translating as the People who speak Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara dialects) Lands. This area is located in remote Central Australia in the far northern tip of South Australia. The exhibit comprises painted depictions of the transcendental and its transubstantiation into the material world. These works reflect a new direction in Indigenous art that refers to an ancient mythology still pertinent and very much a part of contemporary art today.

The APY Art Centre Collective is a group of 10 Indigenous owned and governed enterprises. It is a formidable group of the most celebrated and ambitious Indigenous art studios in Australia – all exploring a diverse range of mediums, to express and share their Tjukurpa (Dreaming Stories), which have been passed down from their ancestors.

For the Indigenous peoples of Australia, Dreamtime functions as a way to remember the past, understand the present, and interpret the future. “Australian Aboriginal art was the last great movement of the 20th century, that began 60,000 years earlier,” said the late Robert Hughes. The artists featured in APY LANDS LA: Central Desert Painters of Australia, strive to communicate this metaphysical and spiritual world-view by illustrating the remarkable stories of Dreamtime.

APY LANDS: Central Desert Painters of Australia will be on view from
May 3 – May 30, 2019
Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 5pm

For further information please contact the gallery at info@olsengruin.com or +1.646.525.6213.

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