For almost a century now, Scrabble remained to be one of the most popular word games in existence. It’s not only a fun way to spend time with friends and family, but it’s also an effective way to strengthen your vocabulary, spelling, and grammar for whatever language you play it in, if not English. This is especially true if you take the time to learn new words while you play, rather than just playing the words and moving on. Even beginners who typically rely on outside word unscrambling tools like Unscrambled Words for them can learn from playing Scrabble because there’s always a chance to look up one word and discover five or ten more based on the definition, synonyms, and antonyms. Considering the puzzle features, it also boosts your mental performance, as well as your mood and happiness levels. However, these benefits are more pronounced if you’re actually great on the board and win some if not most of the games you play.
But even for a pro, it’s not unusual to go through a series of winless encounters from time to time. Especially if you’re trying to learn Scrabble or are used to winning or scoring high marks in competitions, this can be overly intimidating. If this sounds anything like you, this article is definitely written for you.
To help you out, here are 7 tips to learn and get better scores at Scrabble:
1. Use word unscrambler tools
One thing about Scrabble is that it looks virtually easy from an overall view. However, things get tougher when you’re in gameplay and find yourself with letter tiles that seem virtually impossible to come up with a word from, based on what’s already on the board. But if you’re tired of passing on rounds, there’s a way out of this frustration. According to the guys from Unscramblex, this helpful tool can help you unscramble letters and create words from tiles you’d never thought would be possible. A word unscrambler could be just the tool you need to improve your scores in games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. Moreover, it makes the game more fun for you as you shine over your opponents while helping you to learn new words.
2. Learn and stick to the rules
Just like any other game, Scrabble has a set of rules that players should abide by. Depending on whom you’re playing with, false moves and the lack of sticking to the guidelines can get you losing points. Everyone who’s ever mastered the game had to abide by the Scrabble rules and they’ll tell you for free, there’s no shortcut to it. It’s also part of the rules that one of the players should be the scorekeeper, tallying points for each player as they make their moves/turns throughout the game.
3. Stay keen
As will be discussed below, to score the highest points in Scrabble, you have to keep your eyes wide open on the board. You should also know when it’s your turn to play and when to replace tiles while keeping an eye on how your points are tallied.
4. Utilize the double/triple letter scores boxes
When playing Scrabble, it’s always important to approach every turn strategically. Remember, each tile/letter has a specific number of points attached to it, but this will also depend on the square you place it on the board. Some boxes on the board can earn you twice or three times the scores of that particular letter, so be keen when creating words and placing your tiles on the board.
5. Target the double word and triple word scores
Conversely, some squares on the Scrabble board also have the power to double or triple the total points scored from a word. Throughout the game, keep an eye on these squares as they can easily transform your status from losing to winning at any point in the game.
6. Fifty bonus points
A Scrabble tile rack normally holds 7 tiles maximum at any one time. If you get a chance to use the 7 tiles in one go, you’re entitled to a 50-points bonus, which is normally referred to as a Bingo. However, you’ll obviously need to have 7 tiles on your rack to pull this off. As you continue to play, you’ll discover that pulling this move off is one of the most satisfying turns in Scrabble. It’s also when you get to earn the most points, especially if your word lands on bonus squares such as double/triple letter or double/triple word score squares.
7. Be smart
In addition to gauging your word-power, Scrabble also gauges your mental sharpness and ability to play with words. As far as being smart goes, some tips you can use to score maximum points in Scrabble include:
•Score big with shorter words
•Release high-value tiles first
•Use prefixes and suffixes to your advantage
•Be strategic with your S
•Use Benjamins wisely
•Adopt defensive playing tactics
•Know when to pass for a better score
•Peruse the Scrabble dictionary regularly
Scrabble is exciting in every way. It provides friends and family members with an opportunity to bond while improving their grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, not forgetting the mental and emotional health benefits the game provides. With the above few tips, you can get better scores in your scrabble games, turning it into a regular enjoyment activity that you can’t seem to get enough of.