12-Year-Old Nutrition Expert Shares Kids Can Be Active & Healthy
by Kai Nunziato-Cruz
Hey Guys! Kai here from Generation Kai! As a 12 year old I’m just like you, getting ready to go back to school to see my friends again. Oh yeah, and I’m going into the 7th grade! You probably don’t know who I am, and I don’t know who you are so we’re even.

Last year I published a book called, “Digest This Now for Kids!” it’s a quick and easy read about how your body works and what you need to do to get and stay healthy. I talk about everything from food to stress (we’re not supposed to be stressed as kids but some of us are). You’d think we as kids don’t need to learn how to get and stay healthy, we’re kids, we’re supposed to be healthy. So many of us are tired, overweight, on lots of medicines already for whatever health issues we are having. I don’t know about you, but I believe at our age, this shouldn’t be happening! I get asked to write articles for magazines and online blogs all the time to give kids (and even adults) tips on how to be healthier. So, if you’re ready to get healthy and stay healthy this article is for you!
I saw an unbelievable statistic recently at a recent visit to my doctor’s office for my check-up. I thought it would make for a great article.
AMAZING STATISTIC: For every 2 hours you spend on the couch, you increase your chances of obesity by 25%.
As Buddy the Elf would say, “that’s shocking”. I mean, that’s a pretty high percentage. And most people these days are spending 4 – 5 hours on the couch every night so does that mean they are increasing their chances by 50%?
They say the reason is because when you are sitting for long periods of time you obviously aren’t moving your body, so being stagnant doesn’t help. The only thing that moves the lymph is us moving the body. If the body doesn’t move, the lymph doesn’t move. When the lymph gets backed up the toxic build-up begins which includes weight gain.
On top of this many people eat mindlessly while they watch TV – grabbing a bag of their favorite treat and eating away without even realizing how much they’re eating. Eating while watching TV is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your body. When your brain is watching TV you completely lose the mind body connection between your brain and your stomach. Your stomach can’t communicate that you are full so you keep eating.
I know many people watch hours of TV at night as a way to relax. But I’d like to challenge you to find new ways to relax. It doesn’t have to cost money to get up and do things; a walk around the block for example, trying out a new sport like tennis or racquetball, riding your bicycle around the neighborhood, go to your local park, play hide and seek around the house or play a board game, plant a garden, visit a friend, volunteer at a local hospital, take up a new hobby, etc. Honestly anything else you do aside from sit and watch TV every single night of the week is going to be better for your health – both physical health and mental health. To watch a couple of my YouTube videos on some of the things I like to do instead of watching TV click here and here, don’t forget to like and subscribe while you’re there.
I just want to challenge you to start with one night a week of doing something different. I think you will find it very refreshing and you might want to do it more and more as the weeks go on.

Kai Nunziato-Cruz is a 12-year-old nutrition expert from Arizona. As the son of Liz Cruz M.D., a board-certified Gastroenterologist, and Tina Nunziato, a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Kai has watched his Moms for years help adults get well and stay well with their books, podcast, online home study program and more and felt it was his mission to take those same teachings to kids.
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